Source code for openghg.objectstore._local_store

from __future__ import annotations
import glob
import json
import os
import threading
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
import logging
from openghg.types import ObjectStoreError
from openghg.util import read_local_config

rlock = threading.RLock()

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.objectstore")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Have to set level for logger as well as handler

def get_readable_buckets() -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Get a dictionary of readable buckets - {store_name: store_path, ...}

        dict: List of readable buckets
    if os.getenv("OPENGHG_TUT_STORE") is not None:
        return {"tutorial_store": str(get_tutorial_store_path())}

    config = read_local_config()
    object_stores = config["object_store"]

    return {
        store_name: data["path"] for store_name, data in object_stores.items() if "r" in data["permissions"]

def get_writable_buckets() -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Get a dictionary of writable buckets - {store_name: store_path, ...}

        dict: Dictionary of buckets this user can write to
    config = read_local_config()
    object_stores = config["object_store"]

    return {
        store_name: data["path"] for store_name, data in object_stores.items() if "w" in data["permissions"]

def get_writable_bucket(name: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    """Get the path to a writable bucket, passing in the name of a bucket if
    more than one writable bucket available.

        name: Name of writable bucket
        str: Path to writable bucket
    if os.getenv("OPENGHG_TUT_STORE") is not None:
        return str(get_tutorial_store_path())

    writable_buckets = get_writable_buckets()

    if not writable_buckets:
        raise ObjectStoreError("No writable object stores found. Check configuration file.")

    if name is None and len(writable_buckets) == 1:
        return next(iter(writable_buckets.values()))
    elif name is not None:
            bucket_path = writable_buckets[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise ObjectStoreError(
                f"Invalid object store name, stores you can write to are: {', '.join(writable_buckets)}"
        return bucket_path
        raise ObjectStoreError(
            f"More than one writable store, stores you can write to are: {', '.join(writable_buckets)}."

[docs] def get_tutorial_store_path() -> Path: """Get the path to the local tutorial store Returns: pathlib.Path: Path of tutorial store """ return get_user_objectstore_path() / "tutorial_store"
# @lru_cache def get_user_objectstore_path() -> Path: """Returns the path of the user's local object store Returns: pathlib.Path: Path of object store """ config = read_local_config() return Path(config["object_store"]["user"]["path"]) def get_objectstore_info() -> Dict: """Read the local config file and return the data of each of the object stores the user has access to. Returns: dict: Dictionary of object store data """ config = read_local_config() return config["object_store"]
[docs] def get_all_object_names(bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, without_prefix: bool = False) -> List: """Returns the names of all objects in the passed bucket Args: bucket: Bucket path prefix: Prefix for keys without_prefix: If True don't use prefix Returns: list: List of object names """ root = bucket if prefix is not None: root = f"{bucket}/{prefix}" root_len = len(bucket) + 1 if without_prefix is not None: prefix_len = len(str(prefix)) subdir_names = glob.glob(f"{root}*") object_names = [] while True: names = subdir_names subdir_names = [] for name in names: if name.endswith("._data"): # remove the ._data at the end name = name[root_len:-6] while name.endswith("/"): name = name[0:-1] if without_prefix: name = name[prefix_len:] while name.startswith("/"): name = name[1:] if len(name) > 0: object_names.append(name) elif os.path.isdir(name): subdir_names += glob.glob(f"{name}/*") if len(subdir_names) == 0: break return object_names
[docs] def delete_object(bucket: str, key: str) -> None: """Remove object at key in bucket Args: bucket: Bucket path key: Key to data in bucket Returns: None """ key = f"{bucket}/{key}._data" try: os.remove(key) except FileNotFoundError: pass
def delete_objects(bucket: str, prefix: str) -> None: """Remove objects with key prefix Args: bucket: Bucket path prefix: Key prefix Returns: None """ key = Path(bucket, prefix) with rlock: shutil.rmtree(path=key, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def get_object_names(bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: """List all the keys in the object store Args: bucket: Bucket containing data Returns: list: List of keys in object store """ return get_all_object_names(bucket=bucket, prefix=prefix)
[docs] def get_object(bucket: str, key: str) -> bytes: """Gets the object at key in the passed bucket Args: bucket: Bucket containing data key: Key for data in bucket Returns: bytes: Binary data from the store """ with rlock: filepath = Path(f"{bucket}/{key}._data") if filepath.exists(): return filepath.read_bytes() else: raise ObjectStoreError(f"No object at key '{key}'")
def move_object(bucket: str, src_key: str, dst_key: str) -> None: """Move data from one place to another Args: bucket: Bucket path src_key: Source key dest_key: Destination key Returns: None """ src = Path(f"{bucket}/{src_key}._data") dst = Path(f"{bucket}/{dst_key}._data") with rlock: shutil.move(src=src, dst=dst) def move_objects(bucket: str, src_prefix: str, dst_prefix: str) -> None: """Move all keys with a certain prefix. Any data in the destination folder will be deleted. Args: bucket: Bucket path src_prefix: Source prefix dst_prefix: Destination prefix Returns: None """ src = Path(bucket, src_prefix) dst = Path(bucket, dst_prefix) with rlock: if dst.exists(): shutil.rmtree(dst) shutil.move(src=src, dst=dst) def get_object_data_path(bucket: str, key: str) -> Path: """Get path to object data at key in passed bucket. Args: bucket: Bucket containing data key: Key for data in bucket Returns: Path to data """ filepath = Path(f"{bucket}/{key}._data") if filepath.exists(): return filepath else: raise ObjectStoreError(f"No object at key '{key}'") def get_object_lock_path(bucket: str, key: str) -> Path: """Get path to object lock file at key in passed bucket. Args: bucket: Bucket containing data key: Key for data in bucket Returns: Path to object lock file """ lock_path = Path(f"{bucket}/{key}._data.lock") if not lock_path.parent.exists(): lock_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True) return lock_path
[docs] def set_object(bucket: str, key: str, data: bytes) -> None: """Store data in bucket at key Args: bucket: Bucket path key: Key to store data in bucket data: Data in string form Returns: None """ filename = f"{bucket}/{key}._data" with rlock: try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(data) except FileNotFoundError: dir = "/".join(filename.split("/")[0:-1]) os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(data)
[docs] def set_object_from_json(bucket: str, key: str, data: Union[str, Dict]) -> None: """Set JSON data in the object store Args: bucket: Bucket for data storage key: Key for data in bucket data: JSON serialised data string Returns: None """ data_bytes = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8") set_object(bucket=bucket, key=key, data=data_bytes)
[docs] def set_object_from_file(bucket: str, key: str, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Set the contents of file at filename to key in bucket Args: bucket: Bucket path key: Key to for data filename (str, pathlib.Path): Filename/path Returns: None """ set_object(bucket=bucket, key=key, data=open(filename, "rb").read())
[docs] def get_object_from_json(bucket: str, key: str) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict]]: """Return an object constructed from JSON stored at key. Args: bucket: Bucket containing data key: Key for data in bucket Returns: dict: Dictionary """ data: Union[str, bytes] = get_object(bucket, key).decode("utf-8") data_dict: Dict = json.loads(data) return data_dict
[docs] def exists(bucket: str, key: str) -> bool: """Checks if there is an object in the object store with the given key Args: bucket: Bucket containing data key: Prefix for key in object store Returns: bool: True if key exists in store """ names = get_all_object_names(bucket=bucket, prefix=key) return len(names) > 0
[docs] def get_bucket(name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Find and return the local object store path. This will return the path to the user's local object store if no name is given. Args: name: Object store name in config file Returns: str: Path to object store """ config = read_local_config() if name is not None: try: return config["object_store"][name]["path"] except KeyError: raise ObjectStoreError("Invalid object store name.") tutorial_store = os.getenv("OPENGHG_TUT_STORE") if tutorial_store is not None: return str(get_tutorial_store_path()) local_store = get_user_objectstore_path() return str(local_store)
def clear_object_store() -> None: """Delete the object store. This will only delete a local object store and not a group level or other store. You will be asked for input to confirm the path. Returns: None """ local_store = str(get_user_objectstore_path()) logger.warning(f"You have requested to delete {local_store}.") confirmed_path = input("Please enter the full path of the store: ") if confirmed_path == local_store: shutil.rmtree(local_store, ignore_errors=True) else: logger.warning("Cannot delete object store.") def get_folder_size(folder_path: Union[str, Path]) -> int: """Get the total size of a folder See Args: folder_path: Path to folder Returns: int: Total size of folder in bytes """ total = 0 for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path): for file in files: path = Path(root) / file total += path.stat().st_size return total
[docs] def query_store() -> Dict: """Create a dictionary that can be used to visualise the object store Returns: dict: Dictionary for data to be shown in force graph """ raise NotImplementedError from import ObsSurface from import Datasource obs = ObsSurface.load() datasource_uuids = obs.datasources() datasources = (Datasource.load(uuid=uuid, shallow=True) for uuid in datasource_uuids) data = {} for d in datasources: metadata = d.metadata() result = { "site": metadata["site"], "species": metadata["species"], "instrument": metadata.get("instrument", "Unknown"), "network": metadata.get("network", "Unknown"), "inlet": metadata.get("inlet", "Unknown"), } data[d.uuid()] = result return data