Source code for openghg.retrieve._access

import json
import logging
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from openghg.types import SearchError

from openghg.dataobjects import (
from openghg.util import decompress, decompress_str, hash_bytes, running_on_hub
from pandas import Timestamp
from xarray import Dataset, load_dataset

logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.retrieve")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Have to set level for logger as well as handler

DataTypes = Union[BoundaryConditionsData, FluxData, FootprintData, ObsColumnData, ObsData]
multDataTypes = Union[
    List[BoundaryConditionsData], List[FluxData], List[FootprintData], List[ObsColumnData], List[ObsData]

def _get_generic(
    sort: bool = True,
    elevate_inlets: bool = False,
    ambig_check_params: Optional[list] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
    """Perform a search and create a dataclass object with the results if any are found.

        data_class: Type of dataobject to create
        sort: Sort Dataset during recombination
        elevate_inlets: Elevate the inlet attribute to be a variable within the Dataset
        ambig_check_params: Parameters to check and print if result is ambiguous.
        kwargs: Additional search terms
    from openghg.retrieve import search
    from import define_data_type_classes

    results = search(**kwargs)

    keyword_string = _create_keyword_string(**kwargs)
    if not results:
        err_msg = f"Unable to find results for {keyword_string}"
        raise SearchError(err_msg)

    if sort:
            "Sorting results by time has been moved to the data method of ObsData, please use that instead."

    if elevate_inlets:
            "Elevating inlet functionality has been moved to the data method of ObsData, please use that instead."

    # TODO: UPDATE THIS - just use retrieve when retrieve_all is removed.
    retrieved_data: Any = results.retrieve_all()

    if retrieved_data is None:
        err_msg = f"Unable to retrieve results for {keyword_string}"
        raise SearchError(err_msg)
    elif isinstance(retrieved_data, list) and len(retrieved_data) > 1:
        param_diff_formatted = _metadata_difference_formatted(data=retrieved_data, params=ambig_check_params)
        err_msg = f"""
        Multiple entries found for input parameters for {keyword_string}.
        Parameter differences:
        Please supply additional parameters or set ranking.
        raise SearchError(err_msg)
    elif isinstance(retrieved_data, list):
        retrieved_data = retrieved_data[0]

    # TODO: Included output of this as Any for now because we there are many
    # options for types returned but can update this

    # We can only get a single data object back here but mypy doesn't understand that
    # retrieved_data = cast(ObsData, retrieved_data)

    return retrieved_data

[docs] def get_obs_surface( site: str, species: str, inlet: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, end_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, average: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[str] = None, calibration_scale: Optional[str] = None, keep_missing: bool = False, skip_ranking: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[ObsData]: """This is the equivalent of the get_obs function from the ACRG repository. Usage and return values are the same whilst implementation may differ. Args: site: Site of interest e.g. MHD for the Mace Head site. species: Species identifier e.g. ch4 for methane. start_date: Output start date in a format that Pandas can interpret end_date: Output end date in a format that Pandas can interpret inlet: Inlet height above ground level in metres height: Alias for inlet average: Averaging period for each dataset. Each value should be a string of the form e.g. "2H", "30min" (should match pandas offset aliases format). keep_missing: Keep missing data points or drop them. network: Network for the site/instrument (must match number of sites). instrument: Specific instrument for the sipte (must match number of sites). calibration_scale: Convert to this calibration scale kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: ObsData or None: ObsData object if data found, else None """ from import call_function from openghg.util import format_inlet # Allow height to be an alias for inlet but we do not expect height # to be within the metadata (for now) if inlet is None and height is not None: inlet = height inlet = format_inlet(inlet) if running_on_hub(): raise NotImplementedError("Cloud functionality marked for rewrite.") to_post: Dict[str, Union[str, Dict]] = {} to_post["function"] = "get_obs_surface" search_terms = { "site": site, "species": species, "keep_missing": keep_missing, "skip_ranking": skip_ranking, } if inlet is not None: search_terms["inlet"] = inlet if start_date is not None: search_terms["start_date"] = start_date if end_date is not None: search_terms["end_date"] = end_date if average is not None: search_terms["average"] = average if network is not None: search_terms["network"] = network if instrument is not None: search_terms["instrument"] = instrument if calibration_scale is not None: search_terms["calibration_scale"] = calibration_scale to_post["search_terms"] = search_terms result = call_function(data=to_post) content = result["content"] found = content["found"] if found: binary_data = decompress(data=content["data"]) file_metadata = content["file_metadata"] sha1_hash_data = file_metadata["data"]["sha1_hash"] if sha1_hash_data != hash_bytes(data=binary_data): raise ValueError("Hash mismatch between local SHA1 and remote SHA1.") buf = BytesIO(binary_data) json_str = decompress_str(data=content["metadata"]) metadata = json.loads(json_str) dataset = load_dataset(buf) return ObsData(data=dataset, metadata=metadata) else: return None else: return get_obs_surface_local( site=site, species=species, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, inlet=inlet, average=average, network=network, instrument=instrument, calibration_scale=calibration_scale, keep_missing=keep_missing, skip_ranking=skip_ranking, **kwargs, )
def get_obs_surface_local( site: str, species: str, inlet: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, end_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, average: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[str] = None, calibration_scale: Optional[str] = None, keep_missing: Optional[bool] = False, skip_ranking: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[ObsData]: """This is the equivalent of the get_obs function from the ACRG repository. Usage and return values are the same whilst implementation may differ. This function should not be used on the OpenGHG Hub. Args: site: Site of interest e.g. MHD for the Mace Head site. species: Species identifier e.g. ch4 for methane. start_date: Output start date in a format that Pandas can interpret end_date: Output end date in a format that Pandas can interpret inlet: Inlet height above ground level in metres height: Alias for inlet average: Averaging period for each dataset. Each value should be a string of the form e.g. "2H", "30min" (should match pandas offset aliases format). keep_missing: Keep missing data points or drop them. network: Network for the site/instrument (must match number of sites). instrument: Specific instrument for the sipte (must match number of sites). calibration_scale: Convert to this calibration scale kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: ObsData or None: ObsData object if data found, else None """ import numpy as np from openghg.retrieve import search_surface from openghg.util import clean_string, format_inlet, load_json, synonyms, timestamp_tzaware, get_site_info from pandas import Timedelta from openghg.util import synonyms if running_on_hub(): raise ValueError( "This function cannot be used on the OpenGHG Hub. Please use openghg.retrieve.get_obs_surface instead." ) if species is not None: species = synonyms(species) data_type = "surface" # Allow height to be an alias for inlet but we do not expect height # to be within the metadata (for now) if inlet is None and height is not None: inlet = height inlet = format_inlet(inlet) site_data = get_site_info() site = site.upper() # TODO: Evaluate this constraint - how do we want to handle and incorporate new sites? if site not in site_data: raise ValueError(f"No site called {site}, please enter a valid site name.") surface_keywords = { "site": site, "species": species, "inlet": inlet, "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "network": network, "instrument": instrument, "data_type": data_type, } surface_keywords.update(kwargs) # # Get the observation data # obs_results = search_surface(**surface_keywords) retrieved_data = _get_generic( sort=True, elevate_inlets=False, ambig_check_params=["inlet", "network", "instrument"], **surface_keywords, # type: ignore ) data = if data.attrs["inlet"] == "multiple": data.attrs["inlet_height_magl"] = "multiple" retrieved_data.metadata["inlet"] = "multiple" if start_date is not None and end_date is not None: # Check if underlying data is timezone aware. data_time_index = data.indexes["time"] tzinfo = data_time_index.tzinfo if tzinfo: start_date_filter = timestamp_tzaware(start_date) end_date_filter = timestamp_tzaware(end_date) else: start_date_filter = Timestamp(start_date) end_date_filter = Timestamp(end_date) end_date_filter_exclusive = end_date_filter - Timedelta( 1, unit="nanosecond" ) # Deduct 1 ns to make the end day (date) exclusive. # Slice the data to only cover the dates we're interested in data = data.sel(time=slice(start_date_filter, end_date_filter_exclusive)) try: start_date_data = timestamp_tzaware(data.time[0].values) end_date_data = timestamp_tzaware(data.time[-1].values) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("This dataset does not have a time attribute, unable to read date range") except IndexError: return None if average is not None: # We need to compute the value here for the operations done further down"Loading Dataset data into memory for resampling operations.") data = data.compute() # GJ - 2021-03-09 # TODO - check by RT # # Average the Dataset over a given period # if keep_missing is True: # # Create a dataset with one element and NaNs to prepend or append # ds_single_element = data[{"time": 0}] # for v in ds_single_element.variables: # if v != "time": # ds_single_element[v].values = np.nan # ds_concat = [] # # Pad with an empty entry at the start date # if timestamp_tzaware(data.time.min()) > start_date: # ds_single_element_start = ds_single_element.copy() # ds_single_element_start.time.values = Timestamp(start_date) # ds_concat.append(ds_single_element_start) # ds_concat.append(data) # # Pad with an empty entry at the end date # if data.time.max() < Timestamp(end_date): # ds_single_element_end = ds_single_element.copy() # ds_single_element_end.time.values = Timestamp(end_date) - Timedelta("1ns") # ds_concat.append(ds_single_element_end) # data = xr_concat(ds_concat, dim="time") # # Now sort to get everything in the right order # data = data.sortby("time") # First do a mean resample on all variables ds_resampled = data.resample(time=average).mean(skipna=False, keep_attrs=True) # keep_attrs doesn't seem to work for some reason, so manually copy ds_resampled.attrs = data.attrs.copy() average_in_seconds = Timedelta(average).total_seconds() ds_resampled.attrs["averaged_period"] = average_in_seconds ds_resampled.attrs["averaged_period_str"] = average # For some variables, need a different type of resampling data_variables: List[str] = [str(v) for v in data.variables] for var in data_variables: if "repeatability" in var: ds_resampled[var] = ( np.sqrt((data[var] ** 2).resample(time=average).sum()) / data[var].resample(time=average).count() ) # Copy over some attributes if "long_name" in data[var].attrs: ds_resampled[var].attrs["long_name"] = data[var].attrs["long_name"] if "units" in data[var].attrs: ds_resampled[var].attrs["units"] = data[var].attrs["units"] # Create a new variability variable, containing the standard deviation within the resampling period ds_resampled[f"{species}_variability"] = ( data[species].resample(time=average).std(skipna=False, keep_attrs=True) ) # If there are any periods where only one measurement was resampled, just use the median variability ds_resampled[f"{species}_variability"][ds_resampled[f"{species}_variability"] == 0.0] = ds_resampled[ f"{species}_variability" ].median() # Create attributes for variability variable if "long_name" in data[species].attrs: ds_resampled[f"{species}_variability"].attrs[ "long_name" ] = f"{data[species].attrs['long_name']}_variability" if "units" in data[species].attrs: ds_resampled[f"{species}_variability"].attrs["units"] = data[species].attrs["units"] # Resampling may introduce NaNs, so remove, if not keep_missing if keep_missing is False: ds_resampled = ds_resampled.dropna(dim="time") data = ds_resampled # Rename variables rename: Dict[str, str] = {} data_variables = [str(v) for v in data.variables] for var in data_variables: if var.lower() == species.lower(): rename[var] = "mf" if "repeatability" in var: rename[var] = "mf_repeatability" if "variability" in var: rename[var] = "mf_variability" if "number_of_observations" in var: rename[var] = "mf_number_of_observations" if "status_flag" in var: rename[var] = "status_flag" if "integration_flag" in var: rename[var] = "integration_flag" data = data.rename_vars(rename) # type: ignore data.attrs["species"] = species if "calibration_scale" in data.attrs: data.attrs["scale"] = data.attrs.pop("calibration_scale") if calibration_scale is not None: data = _scale_convert(data, species, calibration_scale) metadata = retrieved_data.metadata metadata.update(data.attrs) obs_data = ObsData(data=data, metadata=metadata) # It doesn't make sense to do this now as we've only got a single Dataset # # Now check if the units match for each of the observation Datasets # units = set((["units"] for f in obs_files)) # scales = set((["scale"] for f in obs_files)) # if len(units) > 1: # raise ValueError( # f"Units do not match for these observation Datasets {[(['station_long_name'],f.attrs['units']) for f in obs_files]}" # ) # if len(scales) > 1: # print( # f"Scales do not match for these observation Datasets {[(['station_long_name'],f.attrs['units']) for f in obs_files]}" # ) # print("Suggestion: set calibration_scale to convert scales") return obs_data def get_obs_column( species: str, satellite: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, selection: Optional[str] = None, site: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[str] = None, platform: str = "satellite", start_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, end_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ObsColumnData: """ Extract available column data from the object store using keywords. Args: species: Species name source: Source name domain: Domain e.g. EUROPE start_date: Start date end_date: End date time_resolution: One of ["standard", "high"] kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: ObsColumnData: ObsColumnData object """ obs_data = _get_generic( sort=False, species=species, satellite=satellite, domain=domain, selection=selection, site=site, network=network, instrument=instrument, platform=platform, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type="column", **kwargs, ) return ObsColumnData(, metadata=obs_data.metadata)
[docs] def get_flux( species: str, source: str, domain: str, database: Optional[str] = None, database_version: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, end_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, time_resolution: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FluxData: """ The flux function reads in all flux files for the domain and species as an xarray Dataset. Note that at present ALL flux data is read in per species per domain or by emissions name. To be consistent with the footprints, fluxes should be in mol/m2/s. Args: species: Species name source: Source name domain: Domain e.g. EUROPE start_date: Start date end_date: End date time_resolution: One of ["standard", "high"] kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: FluxData: FluxData object """ em_data = _get_generic( sort=False, species=species, source=source, domain=domain, database=database, database_version=database_version, model=model, time_resolution=time_resolution, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type="flux", **kwargs, ) em_ds = # Check for level coordinate. If one level, assume surface and drop if "lev" in em_ds.coords: if len(em_ds.lev) > 1: raise ValueError("Error: More than one flux level") em_ds = em_ds.drop_vars(names="lev") return FluxData(, metadata=em_data.metadata)
[docs] def get_bc( species: str, domain: str, bc_input: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, end_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BoundaryConditionsData: """ Get boundary conditions for a given species, domain and bc_input name. Args: species: Species name bc_input: Input used to create boundary conditions. For example: - a model name such as "MOZART" or "CAMS" - a description such as "UniformAGAGE" (uniform values based on AGAGE average) domain: Region for boundary conditions e.g. EUROPE start_date: Start date end_date: End date Returns: BoundaryConditionsData: BoundaryConditionsData object """ bc_data = _get_generic( sort=False, species=species, bc_input=bc_input, domain=domain, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type="boundary_conditions", **kwargs, ) return BoundaryConditionsData(, metadata=bc_data.metadata)
[docs] def get_footprint( site: str, domain: str, inlet: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, end_date: Optional[Union[str, Timestamp]] = None, species: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> FootprintData: """ Get footprints from one site. Args: site: The name of the site given in the footprints. This often matches to the site name but if the same site footprints are run with a different met and they are named slightly differently from the obs file. E.g. site="DJI", site_modifier = "DJI-SAM" - station called DJI, footprints site called DJI-SAM domain : Domain name for the footprints inlet: Height above ground level in metres height: Alias for inlet model: Model used to create footprint (e.g. NAME or FLEXPART) start_date: Output start date in a format that Pandas can interpret end_date: Output end date in a format that Pandas can interpret species: Species identifier e.g. "co2" for carbon dioxide. Only needed if species needs a modified footprints from the typical 30-day footprints appropriate for a long-lived species (like methane) e.g. for high time resolution (co2) or is a short-lived species. kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: FootprintData: FootprintData dataclass """ from openghg.util import clean_string, synonyms, format_inlet # Find the correct synonym for the passed species if species is not None: species = clean_string(synonyms(species)) # Allow inlet or height to be specified, both or either may be included # within the metadata so could use either to search inlet = format_inlet(inlet) height = format_inlet(height) fp_data = _get_generic( site=site, domain=domain, inlet=inlet, height=height, model=model, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, species=species, data_type="footprints", **kwargs, ) return FootprintData(, metadata=fp_data.metadata)
# TODO: Could incorporate this somewhere? Setting species to INERT? # if species is None: # species = metadata.get("species", "INERT") def _scale_convert(data: Dataset, species: str, to_scale: str) -> Dataset: """Convert to a new calibration scale Args: data: Must contain an mf variable (mole fraction), and scale must be in global attributes species: species name to_scale: Calibration scale to convert to Returns: xarray.Dataset: Dataset with mole fraction data scaled """ from numexpr import evaluate from openghg.util import get_datapath from pandas import read_csv # If scale is already correct, return ds_scale = data.attrs["scale"] if ds_scale == to_scale: return data scale_convert_filepath = get_datapath("acrg_obs_scale_convert.csv") scale_converter = read_csv(scale_convert_filepath) scale_converter_scales = scale_converter[scale_converter.isin([species.upper(), ds_scale, to_scale])][ ["species", "scale1", "scale2"] ].dropna(axis=0, how="any") if len(scale_converter_scales) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Scales {ds_scale} and {to_scale} are not both in any one row in acrg_obs_scale_convert.csv for species {species}" ) elif len(scale_converter_scales) > 1: raise ValueError("Duplicate rows in acrg_obs_scale_convert.csv?") else: row = scale_converter_scales.index[0] converter = scale_converter.loc[row] if to_scale == converter["scale1"]: direction = "2to1" else: direction = "1to2" # flake8: noqa: F841 # scale_convert file has variable X in equations, so let's create it X = 1.0 scale_factor = evaluate(converter[direction]) data["mf"].values *= scale_factor data.attrs["scale"] = to_scale return data def _create_keyword_string(**kwargs: Any) -> str: """ Create a formatted string for supplied keyword values. This will ignore keywords where the value is None. This is used for printing details of keywords passed to the search functions. """ used_keywords = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None} keyword_string = ", ".join([f"{key}='{value}'" for key, value in used_keywords.items()]) return keyword_string def _metadata_difference( data: multDataTypes, params: Optional[list] = None, print_output: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, list]: """Check differences between metadata for returned data objects. Note this will only look at differences between values which are strings (not lists, floats etc.) Args: data: Multiple data objects e.g. multiple ObsData as a list params: Specific metadata parameters to check. If None all parameters will be checked print_output: Summarise and print output to screen. Returns: Dict[str, list]: Keys and lists of values from the metadata with differences. """ # Extract metadata dictionaries from each data object in list metadata = [d.metadata for d in data] if not metadata: err_msg = "Unable to read metadata." logger.exception(err_msg) raise ValueError(err_msg) # Creating multiple metadata dictionaries to be compared # - Check if only selected parameters be included if params is not None: metadata = [{param: m[param] for param in params} for m in metadata] # - Check if some parameters should be explicitly ignored and not compared ignore_params = ["uuid", "data_owner", "data_owner_email"] if ignore_params is not None: metadata = [{key: value for key, value in m.items() if key not in ignore_params} for m in metadata] # - Extract string values only from the underlying metadata dictionaries metadata = [{key: value for key, value in m.items() if isinstance(value, str)} for m in metadata] # Select first metadata dictionary from list and use this to compare to others # - Look at difference between first metadata dict and other metadata dicts metadata0 = metadata[0] difference = [] for metadata_compare in metadata[1:]: try: metadata_diff = set(metadata0.items()) - set(metadata_compare.items()) except TypeError: logger.warning("Unable to compare metadata between ambiguous results") return {} else: difference.extend(list(metadata_diff)) # - Select parameter names for values which are different between metadata dictionaries param_difference = list(set([d[0] for d in difference])) # ignore_params = ["data_owner", "data_owner_email"] # for iparam in ignore_params: # try: # param_difference.remove(iparam) # except ValueError: # continue # - Collate summary of differences as a dictionary which maps as param: list of values summary_difference: Dict[str, list] = {} for param in param_difference: summary_difference[param] = [] if print_output:" {param}: ") for m in metadata: if param in m: value = m[param] else: value = "NOT PRESENT" summary_difference[param].append(value) if print_output:" '{value}', ") if print_output:"\n") # print new line # if print_output: # print("Datasets contain:") # for param in param_difference: # print(f" {param}: ", end="") # for m in metadata: # print(f" '{m[param]}', ", end="") # print() # print new line return summary_difference def _metadata_difference_formatted( data: multDataTypes, params: Optional[list] = None, print_output: bool = True ) -> str: """ Create formatted string for the difference in metadata between input objects. Args: data : Multiple data objects e.g. multiple ObsData as a list params : Specific metadata parameters to check. If None all parameters will be checked print_output : Summarise and print output to screen. Returns: str : Formatted string summarising differences in keys and sets of values from the metadata. """ param_difference = _metadata_difference(data, params, print_output) formatted = "\n".join([f" - {key}: {', '.join(values)}" for key, values in param_difference.items()]) return formatted