Source code for openghg.retrieve._search

""" Generic search functions that can be used to find data in
    the object store


import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import warnings
from openghg.objectstore.metastore import open_metastore
from import define_data_types
from openghg.objectstore import get_readable_buckets
from openghg.util import decompress, running_on_hub
from openghg.types import ObjectStoreError
from openghg.dataobjects import SearchResults

logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.retrieve")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Have to set level for logger as well as handler

[docs] def search_bc( species: Optional[str] = None, bc_input: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[Union[str, tuple]] = None, continuous: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchResults: """Search for boundary condition data Args: species: Species name bc_input: Input used to create boundary conditions. For example: - a model name such as "MOZART" or "CAMS" - a description such as "UniformAGAGE" (uniform values based on AGAGE average) domain: Region for boundary conditions start_date: Start date (inclusive) for boundary conditions end_date: End date (exclusive) for boundary conditions period: Period of measurements. Only needed if this can not be inferred from the time coords If specified, should be one of: - "yearly", "monthly" - suitable pandas Offset Alias - tuple of (value, unit) as would be passed to pandas.Timedelta function continuous: Whether time stamps have to be continuous. kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: SearchResults: SearchResults object """ if start_date is not None: start_date = str(start_date) if end_date is not None: end_date = str(end_date) return search( species=species, bc_input=bc_input, domain=domain, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, period=period, continuous=continuous, data_type="boundary_conditions", **kwargs, )
[docs] def search_eulerian( model: Optional[str] = None, species: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchResults: """Search for eulerian data Args: model: Eulerian model name species: Species name start_date: Start date (inclusive) associated with model run end_date: End date (exclusive) associated with model run kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: SearchResults: SearchResults object """ if start_date is not None: start_date = str(start_date) if end_date is not None: end_date = str(end_date) return search( model=model, species=species, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type="eulerian_model", **kwargs, )
[docs] def search_flux( species: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, database_version: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None, time_resolved: Optional[bool] = None, high_time_resolution: Optional[bool] = None, # DEPRECATED: use time_resolved instead period: Optional[Union[str, tuple]] = None, continuous: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchResults: """Search for flux / emissions data Args: species: Species name domain: Flux / Emissions domain source: Flux / Emissions source database: Name of database source for this input (if relevant) database_version: Name of database version (if relevant) model: Model name (if relevant) source_format : Type of data being input e.g. openghg (internal format) time_resolved: If this is a high resolution file period: Period of measurements. Only needed if this can not be inferred from the time coords If specified, should be one of: - "yearly", "monthly" - suitable pandas Offset Alias - tuple of (value, unit) as would be passed to pandas.Timedelta function high_time_resolution: This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved. continuous: Whether time stamps have to be continuous. kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: SearchResults: SearchResults object """ if start_date is not None: start_date = str(start_date) if end_date is not None: end_date = str(end_date) return search( species=species, source=source, domain=domain, database=database, database_version=database_version, model=model, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, time_resolved=high_time_resolution, period=period, continuous=continuous, data_type="flux", **kwargs, )
[docs] def search_footprints( site: Optional[str] = None, inlet: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[str] = None, met_model: Optional[str] = None, species: Optional[str] = None, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[Union[str, tuple]] = None, continuous: Optional[bool] = None, high_spatial_resolution: Optional[bool] = None, # TODO need to give False to get only low spatial res time_resolved: Optional[bool] = None, high_time_resolution: Optional[bool] = None, # DEPRECATED: use time_resolved instead short_lifetime: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchResults: """Search for footprints data Args: site: Site name inlet: Height above ground level in metres domain: Domain of footprints model: Model used to create footprint (e.g. NAME or FLEXPART) height: Alias for inlet met_model: Underlying meteorlogical model used (e.g. UKV) species: Species name. Only needed if footprint is for a specific species e.g. co2 (and not inert) network: Network name period: Period of measurements. Only needed if this can not be inferred from the time coords continuous: Whether time stamps have to be continuous. retrieve_met: Whether to also download meterological data for this footprints area high_spatial_resolution : Indicate footprints include both a low and high spatial resolution. time_resolved: Indicate footprints are high time resolution (include H_back dimension) Note this will be set to True automatically if species="co2" (Carbon Dioxide). high_time_resolution: This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved. short_lifetime: Indicate footprint is for a short-lived species. Needs species input. Note this will be set to True if species has an associated lifetime. kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: SearchResults: SearchResults object """ from openghg.util import format_inlet args: Dict[str, Any] = { "site": site, "inlet": inlet, "height": height, "domain": domain, "model": model, "met_model": met_model, "species": species, "network": network, "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "period": period, "continuous": continuous, "high_spatial_resolution": high_spatial_resolution, "short_lifetime": short_lifetime, } # Keys in metastore are stored as strings; convert non-string arguments to strings. for k in ["start_date", "end_date"]: if args[k] is not None: args[k] = str(args[k]) # Either (or both) of 'high_time_resolution' and 'time_resolved' may be in the metatore, # so both are allowed in search but deprecation warning passed. # - ensure passing time_resolved=True gives back all relevant footprints. if high_time_resolution is not None: warnings.warn( "The 'high_time_resolution' argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with 'time_resolved'.", DeprecationWarning, ) if time_resolved is None: time_resolved = high_time_resolution high_time_resolution = time_resolved # Includes at the moment for backwards compatability args["option_time_resolved"] = { "time_resolved": time_resolved, "high_time_resolution": high_time_resolution, } # Either (or both) of 'inlet' and 'height' may be in the metastore, so # both are allowed for search. args["inlet"] = format_inlet(inlet) args["height"] = format_inlet(height) args["data_type"] = "footprints" # generic `search` needs the data type # merge kwargs and args, keeping values from args on key conflict kwargs.update(args) return search(**kwargs)
[docs] def search_surface( species: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, site: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, inlet: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, height: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, instrument: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, measurement_type: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, source_format: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, network: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, start_date: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, end_date: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, data_source: Optional[str] = None, sampling_height: Optional[str] = None, icos_data_level: Optional[int] = None, dataset_source: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchResults: """Cloud object store search Args: species: Species site: Three letter site code inlet: Inlet height above ground level in metres height: Alias for inlet instrument: Instrument name measurement_type: Measurement type data_type: Data type e.g. "surface", "column", "flux" See for full details. start_date: Start date end_date: End date data_source: Source of data, e.g. noaa_obspack, icoscp, ceda_archive. This argument only needs to be used to narrow the search to data solely from these sources. sampling_height: Sampling height of measurements icos_data_level: ICOS data level, see ICOS documentation dataset_source: For ICOS data only: dataset source name, for example ICOS, InGOS, European ObsPack kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: SearchResults: SearchResults object """ from openghg.util import format_inlet if start_date is not None: start_date = str(start_date) if end_date is not None: end_date = str(end_date) # Allow height to be an alias for inlet but we do not expect height # to be within the metadata (for now) if inlet is None and height is not None: inlet = height if isinstance(inlet, list): inlet = [format_inlet(value) for value in inlet] else: inlet = format_inlet(inlet) results = search( species=species, site=site, inlet=inlet, instrument=instrument, measurement_type=measurement_type, data_type="surface", source_format=source_format, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_source=data_source, network=network, sampling_height=sampling_height, icos_data_level=icos_data_level, dataset_source=dataset_source, **kwargs, ) return results
[docs] def search_column( satellite: Optional[str] = None, domain: Optional[str] = None, selection: Optional[str] = None, site: Optional[str] = None, species: Optional[str] = None, network: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[str] = None, platform: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchResults: """Search column data Args: satellite: Name of satellite (if relevant) domain: For satellite only. If data has been selected on an area include the identifier name for domain covered. This can map to previously defined domains (see openghg_defs "domain_info.json" file) or a newly defined domain. selection: For satellite only, identifier for any data selection which has been performed on satellite data. This can be based on any form of filtering, binning etc. but should be unique compared to other selections made e.g. "land", "glint", "upperlimit". If not specified, domain will be used. site : Site code/name (if relevant). Can include satellite OR site. species: Species name or synonym e.g. "ch4" instrument: Instrument name e.g. "TANSO-FTS" network: Name of in-situ or satellite network e.g. "TCCON", "GOSAT" platform: Type of platform. Should be one of: - "satellite" - "site" kwargs: Additional search terms Returns: SearchResults: SearchResults object """ return search( satellite=satellite, domain=domain, selection=selection, site=site, species=species, network=network, instrument=instrument, platform=platform, data_type="column", **kwargs, )
def _base_search(**kwargs: Any) -> SearchResults: """Search for observations data. Any keyword arguments may be passed to the the function and these keywords will be used to search metadata. Though any types can be passed as keyword arguments, these will be interpreted in the following ways: - None - argument will be ignored. - list/tuple - an OR search will be created for the argument and each of the values. - dict - an OR search will be created for the key, value pairs. - Note: in this case the name of argument itself will be ignored. - str/other - argument used directly. All input search values are formatted (openghg.utils.clean_string). This function will only perform a "local" search. It may be used either by a cloud function or when using OpenGHG locally, it does no environment detection. We suggest using the search function that takes care of everything for you. Example / commonly used arguments are given below. Args: species: Terms to search for in Datasources locations: Where to search for the terms in species inlet: Inlet height such as 100m instrument: Instrument name such as picarro find_all: Require all search terms to be satisfied start_date: Start datetime for search. If None a start datetime of UNIX epoch (1970-01-01) is set end_date: End datetime for search. If None an end datetime of the current datetime is set Returns: SearchResults or None: SearchResults object is results found, otherwise None """ import itertools from openghg.dataobjects import SearchResults from openghg.util import ( clean_string, dates_overlap, synonyms, timestamp_epoch, timestamp_now, timestamp_tzaware, ) from pandas import Timedelta as pd_Timedelta if running_on_hub(): raise ValueError( "This function can't be used on the OpenGHG Hub, please use instead." ) # Select and format the search terms # - ignore any kwargs which are None # - clean search terms directly or within data structures search_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): v = [clean_string(value) for value in v if value is not None] if not v: # Check empty list v = None elif isinstance(v, dict): v = {key: clean_string(value) for key, value in v.items() if value is not None} if not v: # Check empty dict v = None else: v = clean_string(v) if v is not None: search_kwargs[k] = v # Species translation species = search_kwargs.get("species") if species is not None: if not isinstance(species, list): species = [species] updated_species = [synonyms(sp) for sp in species] search_kwargs["species"] = updated_species # get data types to search and validate data_type = search_kwargs.get("data_type") valid_data_types = define_data_types() types_to_search = [] if data_type is not None: if not isinstance(data_type, list): data_type = [data_type] for d in data_type: if d not in valid_data_types: raise ValueError( f"{data_type} is not a valid data type, please select one of {valid_data_types}" ) types_to_search.append(d) else: types_to_search.extend(valid_data_types) # Get a dictionary of all the readable buckets available # We'll iterate over each of them readable_buckets = get_readable_buckets() # If we're given a store then we'll just read from that one try: store = search_kwargs["store"] except KeyError: pass else: del search_kwargs["store"] try: readable_buckets = {store: readable_buckets[store]} except KeyError: raise ObjectStoreError(f"Invalid store: {store}") try: start_date = search_kwargs["start_date"] except KeyError: start_date = None else: del search_kwargs["start_date"] try: end_date = search_kwargs["end_date"] except KeyError: end_date = None else: del search_kwargs["end_date"] # Here we process the kwargs, allowing us to create the correct combinations of search queries. # To set this up for keywords with multiple options, lists of the (key, value) pair terms are created # - e.g. for species = ["ch4", "methane"], time_resolution = {"time_resolved": "true", "high_time_resolution: "true"} # - multiple_options is [[("species", "ch4"), ("species", "methane")], [("time_resolved": "true"), ("high_time_resolution": "true")]] # - we then expect searches for all permutations across both lists. multiple_options = [] single_options = {} for k, v in search_kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): expand_key_values = [(k, value) for value in v] multiple_options.append(expand_key_values) elif isinstance(v, dict): expand_key_values = list(v.items()) multiple_options.append(expand_key_values) else: single_options[k] = v expanded_search = [] if multiple_options: # Ensure that all permutations of the search options are created. for kv_pair in itertools.product(*multiple_options): d = dict(kv_pair) if single_options: d.update(single_options) expanded_search.append(d) else: expanded_search.append(single_options) general_metadata = {} for bucket_name, bucket in readable_buckets.items(): metastore_records = [] for data_type in types_to_search: with open_metastore(bucket=bucket, data_type=data_type, mode="r") as metastore: for v in expanded_search: res = if res: metastore_records.extend(res) if not metastore_records: continue # Add in a quick check to make sure we don't have dupes # TODO - remove this once a more thorough tests are added uuids = [s["uuid"] for s in metastore_records] if len(uuids) != len(set(uuids)): error_msg = "Multiple results found with same UUID!" logger.exception(msg=error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) # Here we create a dictionary of the metadata keyed by the Datasource UUID # we'll create a pandas DataFrame out of this in the SearchResult object # for better printing / searching within a notebook metadata = {r["uuid"]: r for r in metastore_records} # Add in the object store to the metadata the user sees for m in metadata.values(): m.update({"object_store": bucket}) # Narrow the search to a daterange if dates passed if start_date is not None or end_date is not None: if start_date is None: start_date = timestamp_epoch() else: start_date = timestamp_tzaware(start_date) + pd_Timedelta("1s") if end_date is None: end_date = timestamp_now() else: end_date = timestamp_tzaware(end_date) - pd_Timedelta("1s") metadata_in_daterange = {} # TODO - we can remove this now the metastore contains the start and end dates of the Datasources for uid, record in metadata.items(): meta_start = record["start_date"] meta_end = record["end_date"] if dates_overlap(start_a=start_date, end_a=end_date, start_b=meta_start, end_b=meta_end): metadata_in_daterange[uid] = record if not metadata_in_daterange: logger.warning( f"No data found for the dates given in the {bucket_name} store, please try a wider search." ) # Update the metadata we'll use to create the SearchResults object metadata = metadata_in_daterange # Remove once more comprehensive tests are done dupe_uuids = [k for k in metadata if k in general_metadata] if dupe_uuids: raise ObjectStoreError("Duplicate UUIDs found between buckets.") general_metadata.update(metadata) return SearchResults( metadata=general_metadata, start_result="data_type", start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date )