from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, List, Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from openghg.types import optionalPathType, ArrayLikeMatch, ArrayLike, XrDataLike, XrDataLikeMatch
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.util.domain")
__all__ = ["get_domain_info", "find_domain", "convert_lon_to_180", "convert_lon_to_360"]
def get_domain_info(domain_filepath: optionalPathType = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Extract data from domain info JSON file as a dictionary.
This uses the data stored within openghg_defs/domain_info JSON file by default.
domain_filepath: Alternative domain info file.
dict: Data from domain JSON file
from openghg_defs import domain_info_file
from openghg.util import load_json
if domain_filepath is None:
domain_info_json = load_json(path=domain_info_file)
domain_info_json = load_json(path=domain_filepath)
return domain_info_json
def find_domain(domain: str, domain_filepath: optionalPathType = None) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]:
"""Finds the latitude and longitude values in degrees associated
with a given domain name.
domain: Pre-defined domain name
domain_filepath: Alternative domain info file. Defaults to openghg_defs input.
array, array : Latitude and longitude values for the domain in degrees.
domain_info = get_domain_info(domain_filepath)
# Look for domain in domain_info file
if domain in domain_info:
domain_data = domain_info[domain]
elif domain.upper() in domain_info:
domain = domain.upper()
domain_data = domain_info[domain]
raise ValueError(f"Pre-defined domain '{domain}' not found")
# Extract or create latitude and longitude data
latitude = _get_coord_data("latitude", domain_data, domain)
longitude = _get_coord_data("longitude", domain_data, domain)
return latitude, longitude
def _get_coord_data(coord: str, data: Dict[str, Any], domain: str) -> ndarray:
"""Attempts to extract or derive coordinate (typically latitude/longitude)
values for a domain from provided data dictionary (typically
this can be derived from 'domain_info.json' file).
This looks for:
- File containing coordinate values (in degrees)
- Looks for "{coord}_file" attribute e.g. "latitude_file"
- OR for a file within "domain" subfolder called "{domain}_{coord}.dat"
e.g. "EUROPE_latitude.dat"
- "{coord}_range" and "{coord}_increment" attributes to use to construct
the coordinate values e.g. "latitude_range" to include the start and
end (inclusive) range and "latitude_increment" for the step in degrees.
coord: Name of coordinate (e.g. latitude, longitude)
data: Data dictionary containing details of domain
(e.g. derived from 'domain_info.json')
domain: Name of domain
array: Extracted or derived coordinate values
from openghg_defs import data_path
# Look for explicit file keyword in data e.g. "latitude_file"
# Extract data from file if found and return
filename_str = f"{coord}_file"
if filename_str in data:
full_filename = data_path / data[filename_str]
coord_data: ndarray = np.loadtxt(full_filename)
return coord_data
# If no explicit file name defined, look within known location to see
# if data is present by looking for file of form "domain/{domain}_{coord}.csv"
# e.g. "domain/EUROPE_latitude.csv" (within "openghg/openghg/data" folder)
full_filename = data_path / "domain" / f"{domain}_{coord}.dat"
coord_data = np.loadtxt(full_filename)
except OSError:
return coord_data
# If no data files can be found, look for coordinate range and increment values
# If present, create the coordinate data. If not raise a ValueError.
coord_range = data[f"{coord}_range"]
increment = data[f"{coord}_increment"]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Unable to get {coord} coordinate data for domain: {domain}")
coord_min = float(coord_range[0])
coord_max = float(coord_range[-1])
increment = float(increment)
coord_data = np.arange(coord_min, coord_max + increment, increment)
return coord_data
def find_coord_name(data: XrDataLike, options: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
Find the name of a coordinate based on input options.
Only the first found value will be returned.
data: xarray Data structure
options: List of options to check. Will be checked in order.
str / None: Name of coordinate if located within data. None otherwise.
for option in options:
if option in data.coords:
name = option
return None
return name
def convert_lon_to_180(longitude: ArrayLikeMatch) -> ArrayLikeMatch:
Convert longitude extent from (0 to 360) to (-180 to 180).
This does *not* reorder the values.
longitude: Valid longitude values in degrees.
ndarray / DataArray : Updated longitude values in the same order.
# Check range of longitude values and convert to -180 to 180.
longitude = ((longitude - 180) % 360) - 180
return longitude
def convert_lon_to_360(longitude: ArrayLikeMatch) -> ArrayLikeMatch:
Convert longitude extent to (0 to 360).
This does *not* reorder the values.
longitude: Valid longitude values in degrees.
ndarray / DataArray : Updated longitude values in the same order.
# Check range of longitude values and convert to 0 to 360.
longitude = longitude % 360
return longitude
def convert_internal_longitude(
data: XrDataLikeMatch, lon_name: Optional[str] = None, reorder: bool = True
) -> XrDataLikeMatch:
Convert longitude coordinate within an xarray data structure (DataArray or Dataset).
data: Data with longitude values to convert.
lon_name: By default will look a coord called "lon" or "longitude".
Otherwise must be specified.
reorder: Whether to reorder the data based on the converted longitude values.
DataArray / Dataset: Input data with updated longitude values
if lon_name is None:
lon_options = ["lon", "longitude"]
lon_name = find_coord_name(data, lon_options)
if lon_name is None:
raise ValueError("Please specify 'lon_name'.")
longitude = data[lon_name]
longitude = convert_lon_to_180(longitude)
data = data.assign_coords({lon_name: longitude})
if reorder:
data = data.sortby(lon_name)
return data
def cut_data_extent(
data: XrDataLikeMatch,
lat_out: ArrayLike,
lon_out: ArrayLike,
lat_name: Optional[str] = None,
lon_name: Optional[str] = None,
copy: bool = False,
) -> XrDataLikeMatch:
Cut down extent of data within an xarray data structure (DataArray or Dataset)
against an output latitude and longitude range.
A buffer based on the maximum difference along the lon_out and lat_out dimensions
will be added when the data is cut.
data: Data to be cut down
lat_out: Array containing output latitude values
lon_out: Array containing output longitude values
lat_name: Name of latitude dimension. Must be specified if not "lat" or "latitude".
lon_name: Name of longitude dimension. Must be specified if not "lon" or "longitude".
copy: Whether to explicitly copy the data.
xarray.DataArray / xarray.Dataset: data with reduced lat, lon ranges.
if lat_name is None:
lat_options = ["lat", "latitude"]
lat_name = find_coord_name(data, lat_options)
if lat_name is None:
raise ValueError("Please specify 'lat_name'.")
if lon_name is None:
lon_options = ["lon", "longitude"]
lon_name = find_coord_name(data, lon_options)
if lon_name is None:
raise ValueError("Please specify 'lon_name'.")
if isinstance(lat_out, np.ndarray):
lat_out = lat_out.sortby(lat_out[lat_name])
if isinstance(lon_out, np.ndarray):
lon_out = lon_out.sortby(lon_out[lon_name])
lat_diff = (lat_out[1:] - lat_out[:-1]).max()
lon_diff = (lon_out[1:] - lon_out[:-1]).max()
lat_low = np.min(lat_out) - lat_diff
lat_high = np.max(lat_out) + lat_diff
lon_low = np.min(lon_out) - lon_diff
lon_high = np.max(lon_out) + lon_diff
lat_cut_wide_range = slice(lat_low, lat_high)
lon_cut_wide_range = slice(lon_low, lon_high)
if copy:
data_cut = data.copy()
data_cut = data
data_cut = data_cut.sel({lat_name: lat_cut_wide_range, lon_name: lon_cut_wide_range})
return data_cut
def check_coord_alignment(data: XrDataLikeMatch, domain: str, coord: str) -> XrDataLikeMatch:
Check that the values of a given coordinate (lat/lon) in spatial data matches the
openghg_defs values for that domain. If they don't match roughly (i.e. within 5%),
an exception is raised to alert the user to the fact that they may have the wrong
domain altogether. An exception is also raised if the length of the arrays don't
match. If the lat or lon don't match exactly, the old coordinates are replaced with
the 'correct' values from openghg_defs.
If the domain is not one of the domains listed in openghg_defs
(i.e. ARCTIC, EASTASIA, EUROPE, PACIFIC, SOUTHAFRICA, USA) then the checks are not
carried out and the data is returned unaltered.
data: spatial data to be checked. Must have 'lat' and 'lon' dimensions
domain: domain in question. Must be a valid domain in openghg_defs. If
this is a domain from openghg_defs this will be checked and aligned with
this definition. Otherwise, coordinates will not be changed.
coord: coordinate to check. Currently 'lat' or 'lon' only.
xarray.DataArray / xarray.Dataset: data with coordinate ranges aligned to openghg domain.
known_domains = list(get_domain_info().keys())
if domain.upper() not in known_domains:
f"Domain input: {domain} is not a standard domain within openghg_defs and so has not been standardised against this."
return data
coords_in = data[coord].values
true_lats, true_lons = find_domain(domain)
if coord == "lat":
true_coords = true_lats
elif coord == "lon":
true_coords = true_lons
if len(coords_in) != len(true_coords):
raise ValueError(f"length of {coord} coordinates does not match those in openghg {domain} domain")
if not np.allclose(coords_in, true_coords, atol=0, rtol=0.05):
raise ValueError(
f"input {coord} coordinates vary significantly from openghg {domain} domain. Please check correct domain and coordinates selected"
data = data.assign_coords({coord: true_coords})
return data
def align_lat_lon(data: XrDataLikeMatch, domain: str) -> XrDataLikeMatch:
Aligns the lat and lon coordinates of a DataArray or Dataset to the openghg_defs values, according to
the 'check_coord_alignment' function.
data: spatial data to be checked. Must have 'lat' and 'lon' dimensions
domain: domain in question. Must be a valid domain in openghg_defs
xarray.DataArray / xarray.Dataset: data with lat, lon ranges aligned to openghg domain.
data = check_coord_alignment(data=data, domain=domain, coord="lat")
data = check_coord_alignment(data=data, domain=domain, coord="lon")
return data