Source code for openghg.util._file

import bz2
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Union

from openghg.types import pathType, multiPathType

__all__ = [

def load_parser(data_name: str, module_name: str) -> Callable:
    """Load parse function from within module.

    This expects a function of the form to be:
        - parse_{data_name}()
    and for this to have been imported with an appropriate module.

        data_name: Name of data type / database / data source for the
        parse function.
        module_name: Full module name to be imported e.g. "openghg.standardise.surface"
        Callable : parse function
    from importlib import import_module

    module = import_module(name=module_name)

    function_name = f"parse_{data_name.lower()}"
    fn: Callable = getattr(module, function_name)

    return fn

[docs] def load_surface_parser(source_format: str) -> Callable: """Load parsing object for the obssurface data type. Used with `openghg.standardise.surface` sub-module Args: source_format: Name of data type such as CRDS Returns: callable: class_name object """ surface_module_name = "openghg.standardise.surface" fn = load_parser(data_name=source_format, module_name=surface_module_name) return fn
[docs] def load_column_parser(source_format: str) -> Callable: """Load a parsing object for the obscolumn data type. Used with `openghg.standardise.column` sub-module Args: source_format: Name of data type e.g. OPENGHG Returns: callable: parser function """ column_st_module = "openghg.standardise.column" fn = load_parser(data_name=source_format, module_name=column_st_module) return fn
[docs] def load_column_source_parser(source_format: str) -> Callable: """Load a parsing object for the source of column data. Used with `openghg.transform.column` sub-module Args: source_format: Name of data source e.g. GOSAT Returns: callable: parser function """ column_tr_module = "openghg.transform.column" fn = load_parser(data_name=source_format, module_name=column_tr_module) return fn
def load_flux_parser(source_format: str) -> Callable: """Load a parsing object for the "flux" data type. Used with `openghg.standardise.flux` sub-module Args: source_format: Name of data type e.g. OPENGHG Returns: callable: parser function """ flux_st_module_name = "openghg.standardise.flux" fn = load_parser(data_name=source_format, module_name=flux_st_module_name) return fn def load_flux_database_parser(database: str) -> Callable: """Load a parsing object for the source of column data. Used with `openghg.transform.flux` sub-module Args: database: Name of data source e.g. EDGAR Returns: callable: parser function """ flux_tr_module_name = "openghg.transform.flux" fn = load_parser(data_name=database, module_name=flux_tr_module_name) return fn def load_footprint_parser(source_format: str) -> Callable: """Load a parsing object for the footprint data type. Used with `openghg.standardise.footprint` sub-module Args: source_format: Name of data type e.g. OPENGHG, ACRG_ORG Returns: callable: parser function """ footprint_st_module_name = "openghg.standardise.footprint" fn = load_parser(data_name=source_format, module_name=footprint_st_module_name) return fn def load_flux_timeseries_parser(source_format: str) -> Callable: """ Load a parsing object for the one dimensional timeseries data type. Used with `openghg.standardise.flux_timeseries` sub-module Args: source_format: Name of the data type e.g CRF Returns: callable: parser_function """ flux_timeseries_st_module_name = "openghg.standardise.flux_timeseries" fn = load_parser(data_name=source_format, module_name=flux_timeseries_st_module_name) return fn
[docs] def get_datapath(filename: pathType, directory: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: """Returns the correct path to data files used for assigning attributes Args: filename: Name of file to be accessed Returns: pathlib.Path: Path of file """ from pathlib import Path filename = str(filename) if directory is None: return Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.joinpath(f"data/{filename}") else: return Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.joinpath(f"data/{directory}/{filename}")
[docs] def load_json(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary deserialised from JSON. Args: path: Path to file, can be any filepath Returns: dict: Dictionary created from JSON """ with open(path, "r") as f: data: Dict[str, Any] = json.load(f) return data
def load_internal_json(filename: str) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary deserialised from JSON. Pass filename to load data from JSON files in the openghg/data directory or pass a full filepath to path to load from any file. Args: filename: Name of JSON file. Must be located in openghg/data path: Path to file, can be any filepath Returns: dict: Dictionary created from JSON """ file_path = get_datapath(filename=filename) return load_json(path=file_path)
[docs] def read_header(filepath: pathType, comment_char: str = "#") -> List: """Reads the header lines denoted by the comment_char Args: filepath: Path to file comment_char: Character that denotes a comment line at the start of a file Returns: list: List of lines in the header """ comment_char = str(comment_char) header = [] # Get the number of header lines with open(filepath, "r") as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(comment_char): header.append(line) else: break return header
[docs] def compress(data: bytes) -> bytes: """Compress the given data Args: data: Binary data Returns: bytes: Compressed data """ return bz2.compress(data=data)
[docs] def decompress(data: bytes) -> bytes: """Decompress the given data Args: data: Compressed data Returns: bytes: Decompressed data """ return bz2.decompress(data=data)
[docs] def compress_str(s: str) -> bytes: """Compress a string Args: s: String Retruns: bytes: Compressed data """ return compress(data=s.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
[docs] def decompress_str(data: bytes) -> str: """Decompress a string from bytes Args: data: Compressed data Returns: str: Decompressed str """ return decompress(data=data).decode(encoding="utf-8")
[docs] def decompress_json(data: bytes) -> Any: """Decompress a string and load to JSON Args: data: Compressed binary data Returns: Object loaded from JSON """ decompressed = decompress_str(data=data) return json.loads(decompressed)
[docs] def compress_json(data: Any) -> bytes: """Convert object to JSON string and compress Args: data: Object to pass to json.dumps Returns: bytes: Compressed binary data """ json_str = json.dumps(data) return compress_str(json_str)
[docs] def get_logfile_path() -> Path: """Get the logfile path Returns: Path: Path to logfile """ from openghg.util import running_locally if running_locally(): return Path.home().joinpath("openghg.log") else: return Path("/tmp/openghg.log")
def check_function_open_nc(filepath: multiPathType) -> Tuple[Callable, multiPathType]: """ Check the filepath input to choose which xarray open function to use: - Path or single item List - use open_dataset - multiple item List - use open_mfdataset Args: filepath: Path or list of filepaths Returns: Callable, Union[Path, List[Path]]: function and suitable filepath to use with the function. """ import xarray as xr if isinstance(filepath, list): if len(filepath) > 1: xr_open_fn: Callable = xr.open_mfdataset else: xr_open_fn = xr.open_dataset filepath = filepath[0] else: xr_open_fn = xr.open_dataset return xr_open_fn, filepath