Source code for openghg.util._inlet
from typing import cast, overload
import logging
from openghg.types import optionalPathType
__all__ = ["format_inlet", "extract_height_name"]
logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.util")
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Have to set level for logger as well as handler
def format_inlet(
inlet: str,
units: str = "m",
key_name: str | None = None,
special_keywords: list | None = None,
) -> str: ...
def format_inlet(
inlet: None,
units: str = "m",
key_name: str | None = None,
special_keywords: list | None = None,
) -> None: ...
def format_inlet(
inlet: slice,
units: str = "m",
key_name: str | None = None,
special_keywords: list | None = None,
) -> slice: ...
def format_inlet(
inlet: list[str | slice | None],
units: str = "m",
key_name: str | None = None,
special_keywords: list | None = None,
) -> list[str | slice | None]: ...
def format_inlet(
inlet: str | slice | None | list[str | slice | None],
units: str = "m",
key_name: str | None = None,
special_keywords: list | None = None,
) -> str | slice | None | list[str | slice | None]:
Make sure inlet / height name conforms to standard. The standard
imposed can depend on the associated key_name itself (can
be supplied as an option to check).
This standard is as follows:
- number followed by unit
- number alone if unit / derviative is specified at the end of key_name (e.g. station_height_masl)
- unchanged if this is one of the special keywords (by default "multiple" or "various")
Other considerations:
- For units of "m", we will also look for "magl" and "masl" (metres above ground and sea level)
- If the input string just contains numbers, it is assumed this is already within the correct unit.
inlet: Inlet / Height value in the specified units
units: Units for the inlet value ("m" by default)
key_name: Name of the associated key. This is optional but will be used to
determine whether the unit value should be added to the output string.
special_keywords: Specify special keywords inlet could be set to
If so do not apply any formatting.
If this is not set a special keyword of "multiple" and "column" will still be allowed.
same type as input, with all strings formatted
>>> format_inlet("10")
>>> format_inlet("10m")
>>> format_inlet("10magl")
>>> format_inlet("10.111")
>>> format_inlet(["10", 100])
["10m", "100m"]
>>> format_inlet("multiple")
>>> format_inlet("10m", key_name="inlet")
>>> format_inlet("10m", key_name="inlet_magl")
>>> format_inlet("10m", key_name="station_height_masl")
# process list recursively
if isinstance(inlet, list):
return [format_inlet(x) for x in inlet]
# pass through None and slice
if inlet is None or isinstance(inlet, slice):
return inlet
# By default the special keyword is "multiple" for data containing multiple inlets.
# This will be included if data is a combined object from the object store.
if special_keywords is None:
special_keywords = ["multiple", "column"]
# Check if inlet is set to a special keyword
if inlet in special_keywords:
return inlet
# Define set of options associated with units. For "m" this include
# "magl" and "masl" (metres above ground and sea level).
if units == "m":
unit_options = ["m", "magl", "masl"]
unit_options = [cast(str, units)]
# Check whether unit is needed in string output.
# This is dependent on whether the key name itself contains the unit value
# (or derivative). If so, the unit itself is not needed in the value.
unit_needed = True
if key_name is not None:
for value in unit_options:
if key_name.split("_")[-1] == value:
unit_needed = False
# Check if input inlet just contains numbers and no unit
# If so assume the units are metres and add this to the end of the string
inlet_float = float(inlet)
except ValueError:
if inlet_float.is_integer():
if unit_needed:
inlet = f"{inlet_float:.0f}{units}"
inlet = f"{inlet_float:.0f}"
if unit_needed:
inlet = f"{inlet_float:.1f}{units}"
inlet = f"{inlet_float:.1f}"
return str(inlet)
# If we were unable to cast inlet as a float
# check if inlet ends with unit or unit derivative
# e.g. "magl" and "masl" would need to replaced with "m" or be removed
for value in unit_options:
if inlet.endswith(value):
if unit_needed:
inlet = inlet.replace(value, units)
inlet = inlet.rstrip(value)
# else:
# raise ValueError(f"Did not recognise input for inlet: {inlet}")
return str(inlet)
def extract_height_name(
site: str,
network: str | None = None,
inlet: str | None = None,
site_filepath: optionalPathType = None,
) -> str | list | None:
Extract the relevant height associated with NAME from the
"height_name" variable, if present from site_info data.
This expects the "height_name" variable to be one of:
- list containing the same number of items as inlets for the site
- dictionary containing the mapping between inlets and heights
used in NAME.
site : Site code
network: Name of the associated network for the site
inlet: Observation inlet / height value in the specified units
site_filepath: Alternative site info file. Defaults to openghg_defs input.
str : appropriate height name value extracted from site_info
list: multiple height name options extracted from site_info
None: if value not found or ambiguous.
from openghg.util import get_site_info
site_data = get_site_info(site_filepath=site_filepath)
if site:
site_upper = site.upper()
if network is None:
network = next(iter(site_data[site_upper]))
network = network.upper()
height_name_attr = "height_name"
height_attr = "height"
if site_upper in site_data:
site_metadata = site_data[site_upper][network]
if height_name_attr in site_metadata:
# Extract height_name variable from the site_metadata
height_name_extracted = site_metadata[height_name_attr]
# If this is a list, check and try and extract appropriate value.
if isinstance(height_name_extracted, list):
# Check if multiple values for height_name_extracted are present (list > 1)
if len(height_name_extracted) == 1:
height_name: str | None = height_name_extracted[0]
# If this is ambiguous, check "height" attr to match against site inlet value
# This assumes two lists of the same length map to each other with translating values
if (inlet is not None) and (height_attr in site_metadata):
height_values = site_metadata[height_attr]
if len(height_values) == len(height_name_extracted) and (inlet in height_values):
index = height_values.index(inlet)
height_name = height_name_extracted[index]
f"Ambiguous '{height_name_attr}' in site_info. "
f"Unable to extract from: height_name = {height_name_extracted} using height = {inlet}"
height_name = None
f"Ambiguous '{height_name_attr}' in site_info. "
f"Unable to extract from: height_name = {height_name_extracted}"
height_name = None
elif isinstance(height_name_extracted, dict):
if (inlet is not None) and (inlet in height_name_extracted):
height_name = height_name_extracted[inlet]
f"Unable to interpret {height_name_extracted}. Please supply or check supplied inlet value: {inlet}"
height_name = None
height_name = None
height_name = None
return height_name