Source code for openghg.standardise.meta._metadata
from import MutableSequence
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import math
from openghg.types import AttrMismatchError, MetadataAndData
from openghg.util import is_number
logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.standardise.metadata")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Have to set level for logger as well as handler
def attributes_default_keys() -> list:
Defines default values expected within ObsSurface metadata.
list: keys required in metadata
default_keys = [
return default_keys
def metadata_keys_as_floats() -> list:
Defines which keys should be consistently stored as numbers in the metadata
(even if they are not numbers within the attributes).
list: keys required to be floats in metadata
values_as_floats = [
# "inlet_height_magl",
return values_as_floats
def sync_surface_metadata(
metadata: dict,
attributes: dict,
keys_to_add: list | None = None,
update_mismatch: str = "never",
) -> tuple[dict, dict]:
Makes sure any duplicated keys between the metadata and attributes
dictionaries match and that certain keys are present in the metadata.
metadata: Dictionary of metadata
attributes: Attributes
keys_to_add: Add these keys to the metadata, if not present, based on
the attribute values. Note: this skips any keys which can't be
copied from the attribute values.
update_mismatch: If case insensitive mismatch is found between an
attribute and a metadata value, this determines the function behaviour.
This includes the options:
- "never" - don't update mismatches and raise an AttrMismatchError
- "from_source" / "attributes" - update mismatches based on input attributes
- "from_definition" / "metadata" - update mismatches based on input metadata
dict, dict: Aligned metadata, attributes
meta_copy = deepcopy(metadata)
attrs_copy = deepcopy(attributes)
mismatch_keys = {
"never": ["never"],
"attributes": ["attributes", "from_source"],
"metadata": ["metadata", "from_definition"],
for key, options in mismatch_keys.items():
if update_mismatch.lower() in options:
update_mismatch = key.lower()
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(
f"Input for 'update_mismatch' must be a string and should be one of {mismatch_keys}"
raise ValueError(f"Input for 'update_mismatch' should be one of {mismatch_keys}")
attr_mismatches = {}
# Check if we have differences
for key, meta_value in metadata.items():
attr_value = attributes[key]
# This should mainly be used for lat/long
relative_tolerance = 1e-3
if is_number(attr_value) and is_number(meta_value):
if not math.isclose(float(attr_value), float(meta_value), rel_tol=relative_tolerance):
err_warn_num = f"Value of {key} not within tolerance, metadata: {meta_value} - attributes: {attr_value}"
if update_mismatch == "never":
attr_mismatches[key] = (meta_value, attr_value)
elif update_mismatch == "attributes":
f"{err_warn_num}\nUpdating metadata to use attribute value of {key} = {attr_value}"
meta_copy[key] = str(attr_value)
elif update_mismatch == "metadata":
f"{err_warn_num}\nUpdating attributes to use metadata value of {key} = {meta_value}"
attrs_copy[key] = str(meta_value)
# Here we don't care about case. Within the Datasource we'll store the
# metadata as all lowercase, within the attributes we'll keep the case. err_warn_str = f"Metadata mismatch for '{key}', metadata: {meta_value} - attributes: {attr_value}"
err_warn_str = (
f"Metadata mismatch for '{key}', metadata: {meta_value} - attributes: {attr_value}"
if str(meta_value).lower() != str(attr_value).lower():
if update_mismatch == "never":
attr_mismatches[key] = (meta_value, attr_value)
elif update_mismatch == "attributes":
f"{err_warn_str}\nUpdating metadata to use attribute value of {key} = {attr_value}"
meta_copy[key] = attr_value
elif update_mismatch == "metadata":
f"{err_warn_str}\nUpdating attributes to use metadata value: {key} = {meta_value}"
attrs_copy[key] = meta_value
except KeyError:
# Key wasn't in attributes for comparison
if attr_mismatches:
mismatch_details = [
f" - '{key}', metadata: {values[0]}, attributes: {values[1]}"
for key, values in attr_mismatches.items()
mismatch_str = "\n".join(mismatch_details)
raise AttrMismatchError(
f"Metadata mismatch / value not within tolerance for the following keys:\n{mismatch_str}"
default_keys_to_add = attributes_default_keys()
keys_as_floats = metadata_keys_as_floats()
if keys_to_add is None:
keys_to_add = default_keys_to_add
# Check set of keys which should be in metadata and add if not present
for key in keys_to_add:
if key not in meta_copy.keys():
meta_copy[key] = attributes[key]
except KeyError:
logger.warning(f"{key} key not in attributes or metadata")
if key in keys_as_floats:
meta_copy[key] = float(meta_copy[key])
return meta_copy, attrs_copy
def align_metadata_attributes(data: MutableSequence[MetadataAndData], update_mismatch: str) -> None:
Synchronize metadata and attributes in case of mismatches.
This function currently applies to all surface-level data. Future enhancements
will extend its functionality to handle column-level data as well.
Since remote retrievals bypass the traditional `read_file` method, this function
should be invoked before producing the final standardised output in the retrieval process.
data: sequence of MetadataAndData objects
update_mismatch: This determines how mismatches between the internal data
"attributes" and the supplied / derived "metadata" are handled.
This includes the options:
- "never" - don't update mismatches and raise an AttrMismatchError
- "from_source" / "attributes" - update mismatches based on input data (e.g. data attributes)
- "from_definition" / "metadata" - update mismatches based on associated data (e.g. site_info.json)
for gas_data in data:
measurement_data =
metadata = gas_data.metadata
attrs = measurement_data.attrs
metadata_aligned, attrs_aligned = sync_surface_metadata(
metadata=metadata, attributes=attrs, update_mismatch=update_mismatch
gas_data.metadata = metadata_aligned = attrs_aligned