Source code for openghg.standardise.surface._beaco2n

from pathlib import Path

from pandas import DataFrame

__all__ = ["parse_beaco2n"]

[docs] def parse_beaco2n( filepath: str | Path, site: str, network: str, inlet: str, instrument: str | None = "shinyei", sampling_period: str | None = None, **kwargs: dict, ) -> dict: """Read BEACO2N data files Args: filepath: Data filepath site: Site name network: Network name inlet: Inlet height in metres instrument: Instrument name sampling_period: Measurement sampling period Returns: dict: Dictionary of data """ from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd from openghg.util import clean_string, load_internal_json, format_inlet if sampling_period is None: sampling_period = "NOT_SET" filepath = Path(filepath) datetime_columns = {"time": ["datetime"]} use_cols = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] na_values = [-999.0] site = clean_string(site) try: data = pd.read_csv( filepath, index_col="time", usecols=use_cols, parse_dates=datetime_columns, na_values=na_values, ) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Unable to read data file, please make sure it is in the standard BEACO2N format.\nError: {e}" ) beaco2n_site_data = load_internal_json(filename="beaco2n_site_data.json") try: site_metadata = beaco2n_site_data[site.upper()] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Site {site} not recognized.") site_metadata["comment"] = "Retrieved from" # Check which columns we have in the data and build the rename dict possible_rename_cols = { "PM_ug/m3": "pm", "PM_ug/m3_QC_level": "pm_qc", "co2_ppm": "co2", "co2_ppm_QC_level": "co2_qc", "co_ppm": "co", "co_ppm_QC_level": "co_qc", } # Not all columns are in data from different sites, i.e. Glasgow has a CO column rename_cols = {k: v for k, v in possible_rename_cols.items() if k in data} # Set all values below zero to NaN data = data.rename(columns=rename_cols) # Read the columns available and make sure we have them to iterate over possible_measurement_types = ["pm", "co", "co2"] measurement_types = [c for c in possible_measurement_types if c in data] units = {"pm": "ug/m3", "co2": "ppm", "co": "ppm"} gas_data: defaultdict[str, dict[str, DataFrame | dict]] = defaultdict(dict) for mt in measurement_types: m_data = data[[mt, f"{mt}_qc"]] m_data = m_data.dropna(axis="rows", subset=[mt]) # Some sites don't have data for each type, skip that type if all NaNs if m_data.index.empty: continue m_data = m_data.to_xarray() inlet = clean_string(inlet) inlet = format_inlet(inlet, key_name="inlet") species_metadata = { "units": units[mt], "site": site, "species": clean_string(mt), "inlet": inlet, "network": "beaco2n", "sampling_period": str(sampling_period), "instrument": instrument, "data_type": "surface", "source_format": "beaco2n", } # We'll put everything into metadata species_metadata.update(site_metadata) gas_data[mt]["data"] = m_data gas_data[mt]["metadata"] = species_metadata gas_data[mt]["attributes"] = site_metadata # TODO - add CF Compliant attributes? return gas_data