Source code for openghg.standardise.surface._noaa

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Hashable, Optional, Union, cast

import xarray as xr
from openghg.types import optionalPathType

logger = logging.getLogger("openghg.standardise.surface")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Have to set level for logger as well as handler

[docs] def parse_noaa( data_filepath: Union[str, Path], site: str, measurement_type: str, inlet: Optional[str] = None, network: str = "NOAA", instrument: Optional[str] = None, sampling_period: Optional[str] = None, update_mismatch: str = "never", site_filepath: optionalPathType = None, **kwarg: Dict, ) -> Dict: """Read NOAA data from raw text file or ObsPack NetCDF Args: data_filepath: Data filepath site: Three letter site code inlet: Inlet height (as value unit e.g. "10m") measurement_type: One of ("flask", "insitu", "pfp") network: Network, defaults to NOAA instrument: Instrument name sampling_period: Sampling period update_mismatch: This determines how mismatches between the internal data attributes and the supplied / derived metadata are handled. This includes the options: - "never" - don't update mismatches and raise an AttrMismatchError - "attributes" - update mismatches based on input attributes - "metadata" - update mismatches based on input metadata site_filepath: Alternative site info file (see openghg/openghg_defs repository for format). Otherwise will use the data stored within openghg_defs/data/site_info JSON file by default. Returns: dict: Dictionary of data and metadata """ if sampling_period is None: sampling_period = "NOT_SET" sampling_period = str(sampling_period) file_extension = Path(data_filepath).suffix if file_extension == ".nc": return _read_obspack( data_filepath=data_filepath, site=site, inlet=inlet, measurement_type=measurement_type, instrument=instrument, sampling_period=sampling_period, update_mismatch=update_mismatch, site_filepath=site_filepath, ) else: return _read_raw_file( data_filepath=data_filepath, site=site, inlet=inlet, measurement_type=measurement_type, instrument=instrument, sampling_period=sampling_period, update_mismatch=update_mismatch, site_filepath=site_filepath, )
def _standarise_variables(obspack_ds: xr.Dataset, species: str) -> xr.Dataset: """ Converts data from NOAA ObsPack dataset into our standardised variables to be stored within the object store. The species is also needed so this name can be used to label the variables in the new dataset. Expects inputs with: "value", "value_std_dev" or "value_unc", "nvalue" as per NOAA ObsPack standard. Args: obspack_ds : Dataset derived from a netcdf file within the NOAA obspack species : Standardised species name (e.g. "ch4") Returns: Dataset : Standardised dataset with variables extracted and renamed Example output: For species = "ch4": xarray.Dataset("ch4":[...] "ch4_variability":[...] "ch4_number_of_observations": [...]) """ processed_ds = obspack_ds.copy() # Rename variables to match our internal standard # "value_std_dev" --> f"{species}_variability" # "value_unc" --> ?? # TODO: Clarify what "value_unc" should be renamed to variable_names = { "value": species, "value_std_dev": f"{species}_variability", "value_unc": f"{species}_variability", # May need to be updated "nvalue": f"{species}_number_of_observations", } to_extract = [name for name in variable_names.keys() if name in obspack_ds] # For the error variables we only want to take one set of values from the # obspack dataset but multiple variables may be available. # If multiple are present, combine these together and only extract one error_names = ["value_std_dev", "value_unc"] error_variables = [name for name in error_names if name in to_extract] if len(error_variables) > 1: main_ev = error_variables[0] # Treat first item in the list at the one to keep history_attr = "history" processed_ds[main_ev].attrs[history_attr] = f"Merged {main_ev} variable from original file with " for ev in error_variables[1:]: # Combine details from additional additional error variable with main variable variable = processed_ds[main_ev] new_variable = processed_ds[ev] # Update Dataset and add details within attributes updated_variable = variable.combine_first(new_variable) processed_ds[main_ev] = updated_variable processed_ds[main_ev].attrs[history_attr] += f"{ev}, " # Remove this extra variables from the list of variables to extract from the dataset to_extract.remove(ev) # Create dictionary of names to convert obspack ds to our format name_dict = {name: key for name, key in variable_names.items() if name in to_extract} if not to_extract: wanted = variable_names.keys() raise ValueError( f"No valid data variables columns found in obspack dataset. We expect the following data variables in the passed NetCDF: {wanted}" ) # Grab only the variables we want to keep and rename these processed_ds = processed_ds[to_extract] processed_ds = processed_ds.rename(name_dict) processed_ds = processed_ds.sortby("time") return processed_ds def _split_inlets( obspack_ds: xr.Dataset, attributes: Dict, metadata: Dict, inlet: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict: """ Splits the overall dataset by different inlet values, if present. The expected dataset input should be from the NOAA ObsPack. Args: obspack_ds : Dataset derived from a netcdf file within the NOAA obspack attributes: Attributes extracted from the NOAA obspack. Should contain at least "species" and "measurement_type" metadata: Metadata to store alongside standardised data Returns: Dict: gas data containing "data", "metadata", "attributes" for each inlet Example output: {"ch4": {"data": xr.Dataset(...), "attributes": {...}, "metadata": {...}}} or {"ch4_40m": {"data": xr.Dataset(...), "attributes": {...}, "metadata": {...}}, "ch4_60m": {...}, ...} """ from openghg.util import format_inlet orig_attrs = obspack_ds.attrs species = attributes["species"] measurement_type = attributes["measurement_type"] height_var = "intake_height" # Check whether the input data contains different inlet height values for each data point ("intake_height" data variable) # If so we need to select the data for each inlet and indicate this is a separate Datasource # Each data key is labelled based on the species and the inlet (if needed) gas_data: Dict[str, Dict] = {} if height_var in obspack_ds.data_vars: if inlet is not None: # TODO: Add to logging? logger.warning( f"Ignoring inlet value of {inlet} since file has each data point has an associated height (contains 'intake_height' variable)" ) # Group dataset by the height values # Note: could use ds.groupby_bins(...) if necessary if there are lots of small height differences to group these obspack_ds_grouped = obspack_ds.groupby(height_var) num_groups = len(obspack_ds_grouped.groups) # For each group standardise and store with id based on species and inlet height for ht, obspack_ds_ht in obspack_ds_grouped: # Creating id keys of the form "<species>_<inlet>" e.g. "ch4_40m" or "co_12.5m" inlet_str = format_inlet(str(ht), key_name="inlet") inlet_magl_str = format_inlet(str(ht), key_name="inlet_height_magl") if num_groups > 1: id_key = f"{species}_{inlet_str}" else: id_key = f"{species}" # Extract wanted variables and convert to standardised names standarised_ds = _standarise_variables(obspack_ds_ht, species) gas_data[id_key] = {} gas_data[id_key]["data"] = standarised_ds # Add inlet details to attributes and metadata attrs_copy = attributes.copy() meta_copy = metadata.copy() attrs_copy["inlet"] = inlet_str attrs_copy["inlet_height_magl"] = inlet_magl_str meta_copy["inlet"] = inlet_str meta_copy["inlet_height_magl"] = inlet_magl_str gas_data[id_key]["metadata"] = meta_copy gas_data[id_key]["attributes"] = attrs_copy else: try: inlet_value = orig_attrs["dataset_intake_ht"] except KeyError: inlet_from_file = None else: inlet_from_file = format_inlet(str(inlet_value)) if measurement_type == "flask": inlet_from_file = "flask" # Check inlet from file against any provided inlet if inlet is None and inlet_from_file: inlet = inlet_from_file elif inlet is not None and inlet_from_file: if inlet != inlet_from_file: logger.warning( f"Provided inlet {inlet} does not match inlet derived from the input file: {inlet_from_file}" ) else: raise ValueError( "Unable to derive inlet from NOAA file. Please pass as an input. If flask data pass 'flask' as inlet." ) id_key = f"{species}" if inlet != "flask": inlet_magl_str = format_inlet(inlet, key_name="inlet_height_magl") else: inlet_magl_str = "NA" metadata["inlet"] = inlet metadata["inlet_height_magl"] = inlet_magl_str attributes["inlet"] = inlet attributes["inlet_height_magl"] = inlet_magl_str standardised_ds = _standarise_variables(obspack_ds, species) gas_data[id_key] = {"data": standardised_ds, "metadata": metadata, "attributes": attributes} return gas_data def _read_obspack( data_filepath: Union[str, Path], site: str, sampling_period: str, measurement_type: str, inlet: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[str] = None, update_mismatch: str = "never", site_filepath: optionalPathType = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """Read NOAA ObsPack NetCDF files Args: data_filepath: Path to file site: Three letter site code sampling_period: Sampling period measurement_type: One of flask, insitu or pfp inlet: Inlet height, if no height use measurement type e.g. flask instrument: Instrument name update_mismatch: This determines how mismatches between the internal data "attributes" and the supplied / derived "metadata" are handled. This includes the options: - "never" - don't update mismatches and raise an AttrMismatchError - "from_source" / "attributes" - update mismatches based on input data (e.g. data attributes) - "from_definition" / "metadata" - update mismatches based on associated data (e.g. site_info.json) site_filepath: Alternative site info file (see openghg/openghg_defs repository for format). Otherwise will use the data stored within openghg_defs/data/site_info JSON file by default. Returns: dict: Dictionary of results """ from openghg.standardise.meta import assign_attributes from openghg.util import clean_string valid_types = ("flask", "insitu", "pfp") if measurement_type not in valid_types: raise ValueError(f"measurement_type must be one of {valid_types}") with xr.open_dataset(data_filepath) as temp: obspack_ds = temp orig_attrs = temp.attrs # Want to find and drop any duplicate time values for the original dataset # Using xarray directly we have to do in a slightly convoluted way as this is not well built # into the xarray workflow yet - # - can use da.drop_duplicates() but only on one variable at a time and not on the whole Dataset # This method keeps attributes for each of the variables including units # The dimension within the original dataset is called "obs" and has no associated coordinates # Extract time from original Dataset (dimension is "obs") time = obspack_ds.time # To keep associated "obs" dimension, need to assign coordinate values to this (just 0, len(obs)) time = time.assign_coords(obs=obspack_ds.obs) # Make "time" the primary dimension (while retaining "obs") and add "time" values as coordinates time = time.swap_dims(dims_dict={"obs": "time"}) time = time.assign_coords(time=time) # Drop any duplicate time values and extract the associated "obs" values # TODO: Work out what to do with duplicates - may be genuine multiple measurements time_unique = time.drop_duplicates(dim="time", keep="first") obs_unique = time_unique.obs # Use these obs values to filter the original dataset to remove any repeated times processed_ds = obspack_ds.sel(obs=obs_unique) processed_ds = processed_ds.set_coords(["time"]) # Estimate sampling period using metadata and midpoint time if sampling_period == "NOT_SET": sampling_period_estimate = _estimate_sampling_period(obspack_ds) else: sampling_period_estimate = -1.0 species = clean_string(obspack_ds.attrs["dataset_parameter"]) network = "NOAA" try: # Extract units attribute from value data variable units = processed_ds["value"].units except (KeyError, AttributeError): logger.warning("Unable to extract units from 'value' within input dataset") units = "NA" metadata = {} metadata["site"] = site metadata["network"] = network metadata["measurement_type"] = measurement_type metadata["species"] = species metadata["units"] = units metadata["sampling_period"] = sampling_period metadata["data_source"] = "noaa_obspack" metadata["data_type"] = "surface" # Add additional sampling_period_estimate if sampling_period is not set if sampling_period_estimate >= 0.0: metadata["sampling_period_estimate"] = str( sampling_period_estimate ) # convert to string to keep consistent with "sampling_period" # Add instrument if present if instrument is not None: metadata["instrument"] = instrument else: metadata["instrument"] = orig_attrs.get("instrument", "NOT_SET") # Add data owner details, station position and calibration scale, if present metadata["data_owner"] = orig_attrs.get("provider_1_name", "NOT_SET") metadata["data_owner_email"] = orig_attrs.get("provider_1_email", "NOT_SET") metadata["station_longitude"] = orig_attrs.get("site_longitude", "NOT_SET") metadata["station_latitude"] = orig_attrs.get("site_latitude", "NOT_SET") metadata["calibration_scale"] = orig_attrs.get("dataset_calibration_scale", "NOT_SET") # Create attributes with copy of metadata values attributes = cast(Dict[Hashable, Any], metadata.copy()) # Cast to match xarray attributes type # TODO: At the moment all attributes from the NOAA ObsPack are being copied # plus any variables we're adding - decide if we want to reduce this attributes.update(orig_attrs) # expected_keys = { # "site", # "species", # "inlet", # "instrument", # "sampling_period", # "calibration_scale", # "station_longitude", # "station_latitude", # } gas_data = _split_inlets(processed_ds, attributes, metadata, inlet=inlet) gas_data = assign_attributes( data=gas_data, site=site, network=network, update_mismatch=update_mismatch, site_filepath=site_filepath, ) return gas_data def _read_raw_file( data_filepath: Union[str, Path], site: str, sampling_period: str, measurement_type: str, inlet: Optional[str] = None, instrument: Optional[str] = None, update_mismatch: str = "never", site_filepath: optionalPathType = None, ) -> Dict: """Reads NOAA data files and returns a dictionary of processed data and metadata. Args: data_filepath: Path of file to load site: Site name sampling_period: Sampling period measurement_type: One of flask, insitu or pfp inlet: Inlet height, if no height use measurement type e.g. flask instrument: Instrument name update_mismatch: This determines how mismatches between the internal data "attributes" and the supplied / derived "metadata" are handled. This includes the options: - "never" - don't update mismatches and raise an AttrMismatchError - "from_source" / "attributes" - update mismatches based on input data (e.g. data attributes) - "from_definition" / "metadata" - update mismatches based on associated data (e.g. site_info.json) site_filepath: Alternative site info file (see openghg/openghg_defs repository for format). Otherwise will use the data stored within openghg_defs/data/site_info JSON file by default. Returns: list: UUIDs of Datasources data has been assigned to """ from openghg.standardise.meta import assign_attributes # TODO: Added this for now to make sure inlet is specified but may be able to remove # if this can be derived from the data format. if inlet is None: raise ValueError("Inlet must be specified to derive data from NOAA raw (txt) files.") data_filepath = Path(data_filepath) filename = species = filename.split("_")[0].lower() source_name = data_filepath.stem source_name = source_name.split("-")[0] gas_data = _read_raw_data( data_filepath=data_filepath, inlet=inlet, species=species, measurement_type=measurement_type, sampling_period=sampling_period, ) gas_data = assign_attributes( data=gas_data, site=site, network="NOAA", update_mismatch=update_mismatch, site_filepath=site_filepath ) return gas_data def _read_raw_data( data_filepath: Path, species: str, inlet: str, sampling_period: str, measurement_type: str = "flask", ) -> Dict: """Separates the gases stored in the dataframe in separate dataframes and returns a dictionary of gases with an assigned UUID as gas:UUID and a list of the processed dataframes Args: data_filepath: Path of datafile species: Species string such as CH4, CO measurement_type: Type of measurements e.g. flask Returns: dict: Dictionary containing attributes, data and metadata keys """ from openghg.util import clean_string, get_site_info, load_internal_json, read_header from pandas import read_csv header = read_header(filepath=data_filepath) column_names = header[-1][14:].split() # Number of header lines to skip n_skip = len(header) date_cols = [ "sample_year", "sample_month", "sample_day", "sample_hour", "sample_minute", "sample_seconds", ] data = read_csv( data_filepath, skiprows=n_skip, names=column_names, sep=r"\s+", skipinitialspace=True, parse_dates={"time": date_cols}, date_format="%Y %m %d %H %M %S", index_col="time", ) # Drop duplicates data = data.loc[~data.index.duplicated(keep="first")] # Check if the index is sorted if not data.index.is_monotonic_increasing: data = data.sort_index() # Read the site code from the Dataframe site = str(data["sample_site_code"][0]).upper() site_data = get_site_info() # If this isn't a site we recognize try and read it from the filename if site not in site_data: site = str("_")[1].upper() if site not in site_data: raise ValueError(f"The site {site} is not recognized.") if species is not None: # If we're passed a species ensure that it is in fact the correct species data_species = str(data["parameter_formula"].values[0]).lower() passed_species = species.lower() if data_species != passed_species: raise ValueError( f"Mismatch between passed species ({passed_species}) and species read from data ({data_species})" ) species = species.upper() # add 0/1 variable for second part of analysis flag data[species + "_selection_flag"] = (data["analysis_flag"].str[1] != ".").apply(int) # filter data by first part of analysis flag flag = data["analysis_flag"].str[0] == "." data = data[flag] data = data[ [ "sample_latitude", "sample_longitude", "sample_altitude", "analysis_value", "analysis_uncertainty", species + "_selection_flag", ] ] rename_dict = { "analysis_value": species, "analysis_uncertainty": species + "_repeatability", "sample_longitude": "longitude", "sample_latitude": "latitude", "sample_altitude": "altitude", } data = data.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=False) data = data.to_xarray() # TODO - this could do with a better name noaa_params = load_internal_json(filename="attributes.json")["NOAA"] site_attributes = noaa_params["global_attributes"] site_attributes["inlet_height_magl"] = "NA" site_attributes["instrument"] = noaa_params["instrument"][species.upper()] site_attributes["sampling_period"] = sampling_period metadata = {} metadata["species"] = clean_string(species) metadata["site"] = site metadata["measurement_type"] = measurement_type metadata["network"] = "NOAA" metadata["inlet"] = inlet metadata["sampling_period"] = sampling_period metadata["instrument"] = noaa_params["instrument"][species.upper()] metadata["data_type"] = "surface" metadata["source_format"] = "noaa" combined_data = { species.lower(): { "metadata": metadata, "data": data, "attributes": site_attributes, } } return combined_data def _estimate_sampling_period(obspack_ds: xr.Dataset, min_estimate: float = 10.0) -> float: """ Estimate the sampling period for the NOAA data using either the "data_selection_tag" attribute (this sometimes contains useful information such as "HourlyData") or by using the midpoint_time within the data itself. Note: midpoint_time often seems to match start_time implying instantaneous measurement or that this value has not been correctly included. If the estimate is less than `min_estimate` the estimate sampling period will be set to this value. Args: obspack_ds : Dataset of raw obs pack file opened as an xarray Dataset min_estimate : Minimum sampling period estimate to use in seconds. Returns: int: Seconds for the estimated sampling period. """ # Check useful attributes data_selection = obspack_ds.attrs["dataset_selection_tag"] hourly_s = 60 * 60 daily_s = hourly_s * 24 weekly_s = daily_s * 7 monthly_s = weekly_s * 28 # approx yearly_s = daily_s * 365 # approx sampling_period_estimate = 0.0 # seconds frequency_keywords = { "hourly": hourly_s, "daily": daily_s, "weekly": weekly_s, "monthly": monthly_s, "yearly": yearly_s, } for freq, time_s in frequency_keywords.items(): if freq in data_selection.lower(): sampling_period_estimate = time_s if not sampling_period_estimate: if "start_time" in obspack_ds and "midpoint_time" in obspack_ds: half_sample_time = (obspack_ds["midpoint_time"] - obspack_ds["start_time"]).values half_sample_time_s = half_sample_time.astype("timedelta64[s]").mean().astype(float) sampling_period_estimate = round(half_sample_time_s * 2, 1) if sampling_period_estimate < min_estimate: sampling_period_estimate = min_estimate return sampling_period_estimate