Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import numpy as np
from xarray import Dataset
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from import DataSchema

from import BaseStore

__all__ = ["FluxTimeseries"]

logger = logging.getLogger("")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Have to set level for logger as well as handler

[docs] class FluxTimeseries(BaseStore): """This class is used to process ond dimension timeseries data""" _data_type = "flux_timeseries" """ _root = "FluxTimeseries" _uuid = "099b597b-0598-4efa-87dd-472dfe027f5d8" _metakey = f"{_root}/uuid/{_uuid}/metastore"""
[docs] def read_data(self, binary_data: bytes, metadata: Dict, file_metadata: Dict) -> Optional[Dict]: """Ready a footprint from binary data Args: binary_data: Footprint data metadata: Dictionary of metadata file_metadat: File metadata Returns: dict: UUIDs of Datasources data has been assigned to """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir) try: filename = file_metadata["filename"] except KeyError: raise KeyError("We require a filename key for metadata read.") filepath = tmpdir_path.joinpath(filename) filepath.write_bytes(binary_data) return self.read_file(filepath=filepath, **metadata)
[docs] def read_file( self, filepath: Union[str, Path], species: str, source: str, region: str, domain: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, database_version: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, source_format: str = "crf", period: Optional[Union[str, tuple]] = None, continuous: bool = True, if_exists: str = "auto", save_current: str = "auto", overwrite: bool = False, force: bool = False, compressor: Optional[Any] = None, filters: Optional[Any] = None, optional_metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> dict: """Read one dimension timeseries file Args: filepath: Path of flux timeseries / emissions timeseries file species: Species name domain: Region for Flux timeseries source: Source of the emissions data, e.g. "energy", "anthro", default is 'anthro'. region: Region/Country of the CRF data domain: Geographic domain, default is 'None'. Instead region is used to identify area database: Name of database source for this input (if relevant) database_version: Name of database version (if relevant) model: Model name (if relevant) source_format : Type of data being input e.g. openghg (internal format) period: Period of measurements. Only needed if this can not be inferred from the time coords If specified, should be one of: - "yearly", "monthly" - suitable pandas Offset Alias - tuple of (value, unit) as would be passed to pandas.Timedelta function continuous: Whether time stamps have to be continuous. if_exists: What to do if existing data is present. - "auto" - checks new and current data for timeseries overlap - adds data if no overlap - raises DataOverlapError if there is an overlap - "new" - just include new data and ignore previous - "combine" - replace and insert new data into current timeseries save_current: Whether to save data in current form and create a new version. - "auto" - this will depend on if_exists input ("auto" -> False), (other -> True) - "y" / "yes" - Save current data exactly as it exists as a separate (previous) version - "n" / "no" - Allow current data to updated / deleted overwrite: Deprecated. This will use options for if_exists="new". force: Force adding of data even if this is identical to data stored. compressor: A custom compressor to use. If None, this will default to `Blosc(cname="zstd", clevel=5, shuffle=Blosc.SHUFFLE)`. See for more information on compressors. filters: Filters to apply to the data on storage, this defaults to no filtering. See for more information on picking filters. optional_metadata: Allows to pass in additional tags to distinguish added data. e.g {"project":"paris", "baseline":"Intem"} Returns: dict: Dictionary of datasource UUIDs data assigned to """ # Get initial values which exist within this function scope using locals # MUST be at the top of the function fn_input_parameters = locals().copy() from import define_standardise_parsers from openghg.util import ( clean_string, load_standardise_parser, check_if_need_new_version, split_function_inputs, ) species = clean_string(species) source = clean_string(source) region = clean_string(region) if domain: domain = clean_string(domain) # Specify any additional metadata to be added additional_metadata = {} if overwrite and if_exists == "auto": logger.warning( "Overwrite flag is deprecated in preference to `if_exists` (and `save_current`) inputs." "See documentation for details of these inputs and options." ) if_exists = "new" # Making sure new version will be created by default if force keyword is included. if force and if_exists == "auto": if_exists = "new" new_version = check_if_need_new_version(if_exists, save_current) filepath = Path(filepath) standardise_parsers = define_standardise_parsers()[self._data_type] try: source_format = standardise_parsers[source_format.upper()].value except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown data type {source_format} selected.") # Load the data retrieve object parser_fn = load_standardise_parser(data_type=self._data_type, source_format=source_format) # Get current parameter values and filter to only include function inputs fn_current_parameters = locals().copy() # Make a copy of parameters passed to function fn_input_parameters = {key: fn_current_parameters[key] for key in fn_input_parameters} _, unseen_hashes = self.check_hashes(filepaths=filepath, force=force) if not unseen_hashes: return {} filepath = next(iter(unseen_hashes.values())) # Define parameters to pass to the parser function and remaining keys parser_input_parameters, additional_input_parameters = split_function_inputs( fn_input_parameters, parser_fn ) flux_timeseries_data = parser_fn(**parser_input_parameters) # Checking against expected format for Flux for split_data in flux_timeseries_data.values(): em_data = split_data["data"] FluxTimeseries.validate_data(em_data) # Check to ensure no required keys are being passed through optional_metadata dict self.check_info_keys(optional_metadata) if optional_metadata is not None: additional_metadata.update(optional_metadata) # Mop up and add additional keys to metadata which weren't passed to the parser flux_timeseries_data = self.update_metadata( flux_timeseries_data, additional_input_parameters, additional_metadata ) data_type = "flux_timeseries" datasource_uuids = self.assign_data( data=flux_timeseries_data, if_exists=if_exists, new_version=new_version, data_type=data_type, compressor=compressor, filters=filters, ) # Record the file hash in case we see this file again self.store_hashes(unseen_hashes) return datasource_uuids
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_data(data: Dataset) -> None: """ Validate input data against FluxTimeseries schema - definition from FluxTimeseries.schema() method. Args: data : xarray Dataset in expected format Returns: None Raises: ValueError if the input data does not match the schema to the FluxTimeseries schema. """ data_schema = FluxTimeseries.schema() data_schema.validate_data(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def schema() -> DataSchema: """ Define schema for one dimensional timeseries(FluxTimeseries) Dataset. Includes observation for each time of the defined domain: - "Obs" - expected dimensions: ("time") Expected data types for all variables and coordinates also included. Returns: DataSchema : Contains schema for FluxTimeseries. """ from import DataSchema data_vars: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = {"flux_timeseries": ("time",)} dtypes = { "time": np.datetime64, "flux_timeseries": np.floating, } data_format = DataSchema(data_vars=data_vars, dtypes=dtypes) return data_format