Source code for
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, cast
import warnings
import numpy as np
from import DataSchema
from import BaseStore
from import ChunkingSchema
from openghg.util import check_species_lifetime, check_species_time_resolved, synonyms
from xarray import Dataset
__all__ = ["Footprints"]
logger = logging.getLogger("")
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Have to set level for logger as well as handler
class Footprints(BaseStore):
"""This class is used to process footprints model output"""
_data_type = "footprints"
_root = "Footprints"
_uuid = "62db5bdf-c88d-4e56-97f4-40336d37f18c"
_metakey = f"{_root}/uuid/{_uuid}/metastore"
def read_data(self, binary_data: bytes, metadata: dict, file_metadata: dict) -> dict | None:
"""Ready a footprint from binary data
binary_data: Footprint data
metadata: Dictionary of metadata
file_metadat: File metadata
dict: UUIDs of Datasources data has been assigned to
raise NotImplementedError("This branch doesn't currently support cloud.")
# with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir)
# try:
# filename = file_metadata["filename"]
# except KeyError:
# raise KeyError("We require a filename key for metadata read.")
# filepath = tmpdir_path.joinpath(filename)
# filepath.write_bytes(binary_data)
# return Footprints.read_file(filepath=filepath, **metadata)
# @staticmethod
# def read_data(binary_data: bytes, metadata: Dict, file_metadata: Dict) -> Dict:
# """Ready a footprint from binary data
# Args:
# binary_data: Footprint data
# metadata: Dictionary of metadata
# file_metadat: File metadata
# Returns:
# dict: UUIDs of Datasources data has been assigned to
# """
# from import assign_data, infer_date_range, load_metastore, datasource_lookup
# fp = Footprints.load()
# # Load in the metadata store
# metastore = load_metastore(key=fp._metakey)
# sha1_hash = file_metadata["sha1_hash"]
# overwrite = metadata.get("overwrite", False)
# if sha1_hash in fp._file_hashes and not overwrite:
# print(
# f"This file has been uploaded previously with the filename : {fp._file_hashes[sha1_hash]} - skipping."
# )
# data_buf = BytesIO(binary_data)
# fp_data = open_dataset(data_buf)
# fp_time = fp_data.time
# period = metadata.get("period")
# continuous = metadata["continous"]
# high_spatial_res = metadata["high_spatial_res"]
# species = metadata["species"]
# filename = file_metadata["filename"]
# site = metadata["site"]
# domain = metadata["domain"]
# model = metadata["model"]
# height = metadata["height"]
# start_date, end_date, period_str = infer_date_range(
# fp_time, filepath=filename, period=period, continuous=continuous
# )
# metadata["start_date"] = str(start_date)
# metadata["end_date"] = str(end_date)
# metadata["time_period"] = period_str
# metadata["max_longitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lon"].max()), 5)
# metadata["min_longitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lon"].min()), 5)
# metadata["max_latitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lat"].max()), 5)
# metadata["min_latitude"] = round(float(fp_data["lat"].min()), 5)
# # TODO: Pull out links to underlying data format into a separate format function
# # - high_spatial_res - data vars - "fp_low", "fp_high", coords - "lat_high", "lon_high"
# # - high_time_res - data vars - "fp_HiTRes", coords - "H_back"
# metadata["spatial_resolution"] = "standard_spatial_resolution"
# if high_spatial_res:
# try:
# metadata["max_longitude_high"] = round(float(fp_data["lon_high"].max()), 5)
# metadata["min_longitude_high"] = round(float(fp_data["lon_high"].min()), 5)
# metadata["max_latitude_high"] = round(float(fp_data["lat_high"].max()), 5)
# metadata["min_latitude_high"] = round(float(fp_data["lat_high"].min()), 5)
# metadata["spatial_resolution"] = "high_spatial_resolution"
# except KeyError:
# raise KeyError("Expected high spatial resolution. Unable to find lat_high or lon_high data.")
# if species == "co2":
# # Expect co2 data to have high time resolution
# high_time_res = True
# metadata["time_resolution"] = "standard_time_resolution"
# if high_time_res:
# if "fp_HiTRes" in fp_data:
# metadata["time_resolution"] = "high_time_resolution"
# else:
# raise KeyError("Expected high time resolution. Unable to find fp_HiTRes data.")
# metadata["heights"] = [float(h) for h in fp_data.height.values]
# # Do we also need to save all the variables we have available in this footprints?
# metadata["variables"] = list(fp_data.keys())
# # if model_params is not None:
# # metadata["model_parameters"] = model_params
# # Set the attributes of this Dataset
# fp_data.attrs = {"author": "OpenGHG Cloud", "processed": str(timestamp_now())}
# # This might seem longwinded now but will help when we want to read
# # more than one footprints at a time
# key = "_".join((site, domain, model, height))
# footprint_data: DefaultDict[str, Dict[str, Union[Dict, Dataset]]] = defaultdict(dict)
# footprint_data[key]["data"] = fp_data
# footprint_data[key]["metadata"] = metadata
# # These are the keys we will take from the metadata to search the
# # metadata store for a Datasource, they should provide as much detail as possible
# # to uniquely identify a Datasource
# required = ("site", "model", "height", "domain")
# lookup_results = datasource_lookup(metastore=metastore, data=footprint_data, required_keys=required)
# data_type = "footprints"
# datasource_uuids: Dict[str, Dict] = assign_data(
# data_dict=footprint_data,
# lookup_results=lookup_results,
# overwrite=overwrite,
# data_type=data_type,
# )
# fp.add_datasources(uuids=datasource_uuids, data=footprint_data, metastore=metastore)
# # Record the file hash in case we see this file again
# fp._file_hashes[sha1_hash] = filename
# metastore.close()
# return datasource_uuids
# def _store_data(data: Dataset, metadata: Dict):
# """ Takes an xarray Dataset
# Args:
# data: xarray Dataset
# metadata: Metadata dict
# Returns:
# """
def read_file(
filepath: list | str | Path,
site: str,
domain: str,
model: str,
inlet: str | None = None,
height: str | None = None,
met_model: str | None = None,
species: str | None = None,
network: str | None = None,
period: str | tuple | None = None,
continuous: bool = True,
chunks: dict | None = None,
source_format: str = "acrg_org",
retrieve_met: bool = False,
high_spatial_resolution: bool = False,
time_resolved: bool = False,
high_time_resolution: bool = False,
short_lifetime: bool = False,
if_exists: str = "auto",
save_current: str = "auto",
overwrite: bool = False,
force: bool = False,
sort: bool = False,
drop_duplicates: bool = False,
compressor: Any | None = None,
filters: Any | None = None,
optional_metadata: dict | None = None,
) -> dict:
"""Reads footprints data files and returns the UUIDS of the Datasources
the processed data has been assigned to
filepath: Path(s) of file(s) to standardise
site: Site name
domain: Domain of footprints
model: Model used to create footprint (e.g. NAME or FLEXPART)
inlet: Height above ground level in metres. Format 'NUMUNIT' e.g. "10m"
height: Alias for inlet. One of height or inlet MUST be included.
met_model: Underlying meteorlogical model used (e.g. UKV)
species: Species name. Only needed if footprint is for a specific species e.g. co2 (and not inert)
network: Network name
period: Period of measurements. Only needed if this can not be inferred from the time coords
continuous: Whether time stamps have to be continuous.
chunks: Chunk schema to use when storing data the NetCDF. It expects a dictionary of dimension name and chunk size,
for example {"time": 100}. If None then a chunking schema will be set automatically by OpenGHG.
source_format : Type of data being input e.g. acrg_org
retrieve_met: Whether to also download meterological data for this footprints area
high_spatial_resolution : Indicate footprints include both a low and high spatial resolution.
time_resolved: Indicate footprints are high time resolution (include H_back dimension)
Note this will be set to True automatically if species="co2" (Carbon Dioxide).
high_time_resolution: This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.
short_lifetime: Indicate footprint is for a short-lived species. Needs species input.
Note this will be set to True if species has an associated lifetime.
if_exists: What to do if existing data is present.
- "auto" - checks new and current data for timeseries overlap
- adds data if no overlap
- raises DataOverlapError if there is an overlap
- "new" - just include new data and ignore previous
- "combine" - replace and insert new data into current timeseries
save_current: Whether to save data in current form and create a new version.
- "auto" - this will depend on if_exists input ("auto" -> False), (other -> True)
- "y" / "yes" - Save current data exactly as it exists as a separate (previous) version
- "n" / "no" - Allow current data to updated / deleted
overwrite: Deprecated. This will use options for if_exists="new".
force: Force adding of data even if this is identical to data stored.
sort: Sort data in time dimension. We recommend NOT sorting footprint data unless necessary.
drop_duplicates: Drop duplicate timestamps, keeping the first value
compressor: A custom compressor to use. If None, this will default to
`Blosc(cname="zstd", clevel=5, shuffle=Blosc.SHUFFLE)`.
See for more information on compressors.
filters: Filters to apply to the data on storage, this defaults to no filtering. See for more information on picking filters.
optional_metadata: Allows to pass in additional tags to distinguish added data. e.g {"project":"paris", "baseline":"Intem"}
dict: UUIDs of Datasources data has been assigned to
# Get initial values which exist within this function scope using locals
# MUST be at the top of the function
fn_input_parameters = locals().copy()
from import define_standardise_parsers
from openghg.util import (
if high_time_resolution:
"This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.",
time_resolved = high_time_resolution
site = clean_string(site)
network = clean_string(network)
domain = clean_string(domain)
# Make sure `inlet` OR the alias `height` is included
# Note: from this point only `inlet` variable should be used.
if inlet is None and height is None:
raise ValueError("One of inlet (or height) must be specified as an input")
elif inlet is None:
inlet = height
# Try to ensure inlet is 'NUM''UNIT' e.g. "10m"
inlet = clean_string(inlet)
inlet = format_inlet(inlet)
inlet = cast(str, inlet)
# Ensure we have a value for species
if species is None:
species = "inert"
species = clean_string(species)
species = synonyms(species)
# Ensure we have a clear missing value for met_model
met_model = check_and_set_null_variable(met_model)
met_model = clean_string(met_model)
if network is not None:
network = clean_string(network)
# Do some housekeeping on the inputs
time_resolved = check_species_time_resolved(species, time_resolved)
short_lifetime = check_species_lifetime(species, short_lifetime)
if time_resolved and sort:
"Sorting high time resolution data is very memory intensive, we recommend not sorting."
# Specify any additional metadata to be added
additional_metadata = {}
standardise_parsers = define_standardise_parsers()[self._data_type]
source_format = standardise_parsers[source_format.upper()].value
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown data type {source_format} selected.")
# Load the data retrieve object
parser_fn = load_standardise_parser(data_type=self._data_type, source_format=source_format)
# Get current parameter values and filter to only include function inputs
fn_current_parameters = locals().copy() # Make a copy of parameters passed to function
fn_input_parameters = {key: fn_current_parameters[key] for key in fn_input_parameters}
# file_hash = hash_file(filepath=filepath)
# if file_hash in self._file_hashes and not overwrite:
if overwrite and if_exists == "auto":
"Overwrite flag is deprecated in preference to `if_exists` (and `save_current`) inputs."
"See documentation for details of these inputs and options."
if_exists = "new"
# Making sure new version will be created by default if force keyword is included.
if force and if_exists == "auto":
if_exists = "new"
new_version = check_if_need_new_version(if_exists, save_current)
_, unseen_hashes = self.check_hashes(filepaths=filepath, force=force)
if not unseen_hashes:
return {}
filepath = list(unseen_hashes.values())
if not filepath:
return {}
# Define parameters to pass to the parser function and remaining keys
parser_input_parameters, additional_input_parameters = split_function_inputs(
fn_input_parameters, parser_fn
footprint_data = parser_fn(**parser_input_parameters)
chunks = self.check_chunks(
if chunks:"Rechunking with chunks={chunks}")
# Checking against expected format for footprints
# Based on configuration (some user defined, some inferred)
# Also check for alignment of domain coordinates
for split_data in footprint_data.values():
split_data["data"] = split_data["data"].chunk(chunks)
fp_data = split_data["data"]
if species == "co2" and sort is True:
"Sorting high time resolution data is very memory intensive, we recommend not sorting."
# Check to ensure no required keys are being passed through optional_metadata dict
if optional_metadata is not None:
# Mop up and add additional keys to metadata which weren't passed to the parser
footprint_data = self.update_metadata(
footprint_data, additional_input_parameters, additional_metadata
data_type = "footprints"
# TODO - filter options
datasource_uuids = self.assign_data(
# update_keys = ["start_date", "end_date", "latest_version"]
# footprint_data = update_metadata(
# data_dict=footprint_data, uuid_dict=datasource_uuids, update_keys=update_keys
# )
# Record the file hash in case we see the file(s) again
return datasource_uuids
def schema(
particle_locations: bool = True,
high_spatial_resolution: bool = False,
time_resolved: bool = False,
high_time_resolution: bool = False,
short_lifetime: bool = False,
) -> DataSchema:
Define schema for footprint Dataset.
The returned schema depends on what the footprint represents,
indicated using the keywords.
By default, this will include "fp" variable but this will be superceded
if high_spatial_resolution or time_resolved are specified.
particle_locations: Include 4-directional particle location variables:
- "particle_location_[nesw]"
and include associated additional dimensions ("height")
high_spatial_resolution : Set footprint variables include high and low resolution options:
- "fp_low"
- "fp_high"
and include associated additional dimensions ("lat_high", "lon_high").
time_resolved: Set footprint variable to be high time resolution
- "fp_HiTRes"
and include associated dimensions ("H_back").
high_time_resolution: This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.
short_lifetime: Include additional particle age parameters for short lived species:
- "mean_age_particles_[nesw]"
DataSchema object describing this format.
Note: In PARIS format the coordinate dimensions are ("latitude", "longitude") rather than ("lat", "lon")
but given that all other openghg internal formats are ("lat", "lon"), we are currently keeping all
footprint internal formats consistent with this.
# # Note: In PARIS format the coordinate dimensions are ("latitude", "longitude") rather than ("lat", "lon")
# # but given that all other openghg internal formats are ("lat", "lon"), we are currently keeping the
# # footprint internal format consistent with this.
# Names of data variables and associated dimensions (as a tuple)
data_vars: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {}
# Internal data types of data variables and coordinates
dtypes = {
"lat": np.floating, # Covers np.float16, np.float32, np.float64 types
"lon": np.floating,
"time": np.datetime64,
if high_time_resolution:
"This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.",
time_resolved = high_time_resolution
if not time_resolved and not high_spatial_resolution:
# Includes standard footprint variable
data_vars["fp"] = ("time", "lat", "lon")
dtypes["fp"] = np.floating
if high_spatial_resolution:
# Include options for high spatial resolution footprint
# This includes footprint data on multiple resolutions
data_vars["fp_low"] = ("time", "lat", "lon")
data_vars["fp_high"] = ("time", "lat_high", "lon_high")
dtypes["fp_low"] = np.floating
dtypes["fp_high"] = np.floating
if time_resolved:
# Include options for high time resolution footprint (usually co2)
# This includes a footprint data with an additional hourly back dimension
data_vars["fp_HiTRes"] = ("time", "lat", "lon", "H_back")
dtypes["fp_HiTRes"] = np.floating
dtypes["H_back"] = np.number # float or integer
# Includes particle location directions - one for each regional boundary
if particle_locations:
data_vars["particle_locations_n"] = ("time", "lon", "height")
data_vars["particle_locations_e"] = ("time", "lat", "height")
data_vars["particle_locations_s"] = ("time", "lon", "height")
data_vars["particle_locations_w"] = ("time", "lat", "height")
dtypes["height"] = np.floating
dtypes["particle_locations_n"] = np.floating
dtypes["particle_locations_e"] = np.floating
dtypes["particle_locations_s"] = np.floating
dtypes["particle_locations_w"] = np.floating
# TODO: Could also add check for meteorological + other data
# "air_temperature", "air_pressure", "wind_speed", "wind_from_direction",
# "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness", "release_lon", "release_lat"
# Include options for short lifetime footprints (short-lived species)
# This includes additional particle ages (allow calculation of decay based on particle lifetimes)
if short_lifetime:
data_vars["mean_age_particles_n"] = ("time", "lon", "height")
data_vars["mean_age_particles_e"] = ("time", "lat", "height")
data_vars["mean_age_particles_s"] = ("time", "lon", "height")
data_vars["mean_age_particles_w"] = ("time", "lat", "height")
dtypes["mean_age_particles_n"] = np.floating
dtypes["mean_age_particles_e"] = np.floating
dtypes["mean_age_particles_s"] = np.floating
dtypes["mean_age_particles_w"] = np.floating
data_format = DataSchema(data_vars=data_vars, dtypes=dtypes)
return data_format
def validate_data(
data: Dataset,
particle_locations: bool = True,
high_spatial_resolution: bool = False,
time_resolved: bool = False,
high_time_resolution: bool = False,
short_lifetime: bool = False,
) -> None:
Validate data against Footprint schema - definition from
Footprints.schema(...) method.
data : xarray Dataset in expected format
See Footprints.schema() method for details on optional inputs.
Raises a ValueError with details if the input data does not adhere
to the Footprints schema.
if high_time_resolution:
"This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.",
time_resolved = high_time_resolution
data_schema = Footprints.schema(
def chunking_schema(
time_resolved: bool = False,
high_time_resolution: bool = False,
high_spatial_resolution: bool = False,
short_lifetime: bool = False,
) -> ChunkingSchema:
Get chunking schema for footprint data.
time_resolved : Set footprint variable to be high time resolution.
high_time_resolution: This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.
high_spatial_resolution : Set footprint variables include high and low resolution options.
short_lifetime: Include additional particle age parameters for short lived species.
dict: Chunking schema for footprint data.
if high_spatial_resolution or short_lifetime:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Chunking schema for footprints with high spatial resolution or short lifetime is not currently set.\n"
+ "Using the default chunking schema."
# TODO - could these defaults be changed in the object store config maybe?
if high_time_resolution:
"This argument is deprecated and will be replaced in future versions with time_resolved.",
time_resolved = high_time_resolution
if time_resolved:
var = "fp_HiTRes"
time_chunk_size = 24
secondary_vars = ["lat", "lon", "H_back"]
var = "fp"
time_chunk_size = 480
secondary_vars = ["lat", "lon"]
return ChunkingSchema(variable=var, chunks={"time": time_chunk_size}, secondary_dims=secondary_vars)