Using databases to add data#

Within OpenGHG so far, we have been using the provided standardisation functions for known input file formats (source formats) to populate the object store ([see here and here] - add links to previous tutorial pages). OpenGHG also provides functionality to create data from underlying databases and add this to the object store as well. At present, this has been implemented for the EDGAR global anthropogenic database to allow flux / emissions files to be created on a regional domain.

0. Using the tutorial object store#

To avoid adding the example data we use in this tutorial to your normal object store, we need to tell OpenGHG to use a separate sandboxed object store that we’ll call the tutorial store. To do this we use the use_tutorial_store function from openghg.tutorial. This sets the OPENGHG_TUT_STORE environment variable for this session and won’t affect your use of OpenGHG outside of this tutorial.

from openghg.tutorial import use_tutorial_store


1. Creating emissions from the EDGAR database#

To create emissions maps from an underlying database, we can use the transform_flux_data(...) function in the openghg.transform module.

from openghg.transform import transform_flux_data

transform_flux_data(datapath, database, ...)  # Additional keywords

This function expects the path, the name of the database as well as keyword inputs which will be determined by the underlying function being accessed. To use this for the global EDGAR database, currently, this must be locally available and a link provided to the folder path (datapath input). The database input must also be specified as "edgar".

We will need to provide inputs for species and for our domain (area) of interest. A flux map of the correct format will then be created and added to the openghg object store with the associated keywords.

In the background, this will call the openghg.transform.flux.parse_edgar function and we can look at this function for details of what keywords we need to provide:

  • date - the year to process from the database (as a string)

  • species - the species name

  • domain / lat_out / lon_out

    • To describe the regional domain a keyword can be passed for pre-determined domains OR a new set of lat-lon arrays.

  • edgar_version - specify this if this cannot be extracted from the database provided

Checker function for seeing which pre-existing domains are present will be added soon.

Note: for creating new domains this currently relies on the xesmf package which is better installed in a conda environment than using pip. Please see details in install instructions around this.

We have provided an example of the EDGAR v6.0 database containing a limited subset of “CH4” data from 2014-2015 which can be downloaded for this tutorial.

from openghg.tutorial import download_edgar_data

edgar_datapath = download_edgar_data()

For example, this would create a new emissions map for methane, “ch4”, for the area over Europe, “EUROPE” domain for 2014. The edgar database provided is v6.0, annual, global and for methane.


Outside of this tutorial, if you have write access to multiple object stores you will need to pass the name of the object store you wish to write to to the store argument of the transform_data function.

from openghg.transform import transform_flux_data

database = "edgar"

transform_flux_data(datapath=edgar_datapath, database=database, date=2014, domain="EUROPE", species="ch4")

Note: this can take a few minutes to complete.

We can then check the data has been added to the object store.

from openghg.retrieve import search_flux

results = search_flux(database="edgar")


2. Adding new options#

Transformation workflow#

Within OpenGHG, there are multiple ways to add data to the object store. The most direct way is to use a standardisation functions already introduced which can be used to convert from an understood format (source_format) into the standardised openghg format and add this to the database. The other way is to use the tranformation workflow which extracts a subset / performs an operation to update the provided data and adds this to the object store.

In this way, the standardisation functions can be considered as a one-to-one mapping to be run only when the data is first added and when the data has been updated, whereas the transformation functions allow a one-to-many mapping where many different data products can be stored within the openghg object store depending on the inputs.

The main implementation for this at present, is in creating flux / emissions maps based on underlying inventories or databases but this can be expanded for use with any data type as appropriate.
